Hello,I'd like to know what the thoughts are on Indiana vs. Georgetown in corporate finance. I assume IU would be stronger for the midwest (chicago) and Georgetown stronger for mid-atlantic/northeast. Other than name brand where Georgetown seems to win, is there any thoughts on why IU might be better? Specifically, since IU has a Finance track and Georgetown is General Management, would it be more beneficial to go to IU?Thanks
It's a tough choice here. Both schools have pros and cons. Both finance are solid, Indiana Kelley has marginally longer in course list, while more than 40% of graduates from Georgetown McDonough work in finance industry, comparing to 35% from Kelley.
Georgetown McDonough is pretty good in finance, offering 22 course combined with accounting. And when you see Kelley, they're almost identical while only finance alone offers a bit longer 24 courses, the sophistication of both program are very similar.
While on the rest part of the program, Kelley is ranked about 5 places higher than McDonough. This can mean that Kelley has a more committed and competitve students body, while McDonough graduates are more spread out and work in different regions, and salary is higherthan Kelley.
Very close call depends on how specific will you dedicate your MBA into finance. Kelley should be more well-rounded in overall resources and other fields of business profession. But if you focus solely on finance, you might probably get more finance friends in McDonough. Location matters too. Kelley is much more in midwest, while McDonugh spreads out in NE and Mid-Atlantic.
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Monday Blue Buster 週一MBA生涯公益答疑日~
2008年3月3日 星期一
[Career Explorer]應該申請排名多少的學校??? (Cont'd.)
Q: 應該申請排名多少的學校??? (Cont'd.)
70-80% is still pretty solid. It is no guaranteed that you will be admitted for sure especially you are talking about those top schools.
yah, you're right
even a 70% is a great chance
unfortunately, this competitive gentleman just got ding from Kellogg and Columbia
Q: 應該申請排名多少的學校??? (Cont'd.)
70-80% is still pretty solid. It is no guaranteed that you will be admitted for sure especially you are talking about those top schools.
yah, you're right
even a 70% is a great chance
unfortunately, this competitive gentleman just got ding from Kellogg and Columbia
[Career Explorer]應該申請排名多少的學校???
想請問傷心咖啡店上面的前輩們,在申請學校前你們是用什麼標準來選學校呢?應該要申請排名多少的學校呢? 我的條件: 新竹交流道附近大學工學院大四中 GPA四年下來3.4,大一太混,大二以後主科大多有4.0 GRE考了去年10月的,V 500 Q 800 AWA 4.0 TOEFL還沒去考,只考過TOEIC 然後就只有做專題,校內活動就只有當班上跟系上幹部而已 條件如此單薄的我究竟要申請top多少的學校呢?感覺申請top 20的肯定不會上,但是又不知道自己的底限在哪‧希望板上有經驗的前輩們能夠推薦我一些適合的學校
are you talking about MBA?
several directions
work first for a least 4~5 years if you really want top 20
have the right exams
MBA requires GMAT not GRE
TOEFL is almost 10 times harder than TOEIC now
finally and the most importantly
for your advance studying and for your life-long career
what's your career vision and why mba
or why study anyway?
see what your competition may look like
an Indian applicant from Businessweek forum asked me the chance to get admission 2 weeks ago
tech background applying Stanford
GMAT 710, English native of sourse
master degree from one of the best college in India
10 years experience in consulting industry, senior consultant
Coke India intern
had work for GE Capital and Tata Steel, should be the 2nd largest company in India
full page of extracurricular
fluent in Russian
flying license, piloting as hobby
I replied probably only 70~80% since his career direction is still somewhat blur
see the analysis here
it's just too competitive if you see what happened on BW forum
just be more prepared.
想請問傷心咖啡店上面的前輩們,在申請學校前你們是用什麼標準來選學校呢?應該要申請排名多少的學校呢? 我的條件: 新竹交流道附近大學工學院大四中 GPA四年下來3.4,大一太混,大二以後主科大多有4.0 GRE考了去年10月的,V 500 Q 800 AWA 4.0 TOEFL還沒去考,只考過TOEIC 然後就只有做專題,校內活動就只有當班上跟系上幹部而已 條件如此單薄的我究竟要申請top多少的學校呢?感覺申請top 20的肯定不會上,但是又不知道自己的底限在哪‧希望板上有經驗的前輩們能夠推薦我一些適合的學校
are you talking about MBA?
several directions
work first for a least 4~5 years if you really want top 20
have the right exams
MBA requires GMAT not GRE
TOEFL is almost 10 times harder than TOEIC now
finally and the most importantly
for your advance studying and for your life-long career
what's your career vision and why mba
or why study anyway?
see what your competition may look like
an Indian applicant from Businessweek forum asked me the chance to get admission 2 weeks ago
tech background applying Stanford
GMAT 710, English native of sourse
master degree from one of the best college in India
10 years experience in consulting industry, senior consultant
Coke India intern
had work for GE Capital and Tata Steel, should be the 2nd largest company in India
full page of extracurricular
fluent in Russian
flying license, piloting as hobby
I replied probably only 70~80% since his career direction is still somewhat blur
see the analysis here
it's just too competitive if you see what happened on BW forum
just be more prepared.
[Program Fitting]Darden Vs. Duke - Which is better?
(Anyone who wants to get into Strategy consulting - which is better - Duke or Darden? I have admits from both and have a tough time deciding..... )
Thank you very much davidlee0222. For some reason the Darden class links you posted don't work, can you send them again? Thanks in advance.
put your desire years and all finance fields under MBA and submit
you'll get a long list
then compare one by one with Fuqua on each field
you'll see the subtle difference
but I agree that no big difference between Fuqua and Darden
graduates will get finance jobs because of either one, and will not be an excuse for no job from either one
(Anyone who wants to get into Strategy consulting - which is better - Duke or Darden? I have admits from both and have a tough time deciding..... )
Thank you very much davidlee0222. For some reason the Darden class links you posted don't work, can you send them again? Thanks in advance.
put your desire years and all finance fields under MBA and submit
you'll get a long list
then compare one by one with Fuqua on each field
you'll see the subtle difference
but I agree that no big difference between Fuqua and Darden
graduates will get finance jobs because of either one, and will not be an excuse for no job from either one