I have been admitted to the MBA programs at Babson (Boston) and UF (Warrington at Florida)
Please help me decide which one I should take (both are 1 year MBA programs)
Profile - GMAT 6XX, greater than 3 years exp in sales (outside US)
Target - marketing position after MBA in USA
Advantages of Florida = higher ranked (rank 37 in US news ) / marketing program is ranked 15 (in US news) / lesser costs
Disadvantages of Florida = since i want to work in the US, not a very strong job market for MBAs in florida
Advantage of Babson = good brand / boston is a good market for mbas
Disadvantages of Babson = higher costs / known only for entrepreneurship
Since the economy is weak , i am not sure whether an international will find a job in US next year .. so i might have to go back to my home country and this will make it difficult to pay the student loans
although Babson is the best for entrepreneur, you can see why in their very sophisticated program design, it's at least 3 to 4 levels more advanced than UF, no matter in marketing, finance, operation, leadership...etc., whereas UF is not particularly weak but mostly fundamental generals in all fields. But it's good for entry-level, though.
sorry for being quite bias here, my sister graduated from UF and it's a great school. But if you're going to marketing, you'll meet lots of well-seasoned entrepreneurs with tons of real-life marketing experience, and believe me, as an entrepreneur myself also, you'll know how hard is the real-world marketing, also you learn about 30 times deeper than those fundamentals, while the subjects are still the same.
go for the more experienced, way more sophisticated curriculum design, and also more down-to-earth network. it'll worth it.
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簡單三步驟: 生涯三驅力,機會管理,個人品牌行銷
Monday Blue Buster 週一MBA生涯公益答疑日~
2008年3月28日 星期五
[Program Fitting]IU, OSU, MSU
Hi Guys,
Its that time of making choices. I have been accepted at following schools
IU - Good ranking, great marketing program, waiting for schol info
OSU - great resources, strong ops and logistics, waiting for schol info
MSU- great supply chain and ops, bad location, full schol + stipend
Vandy - great finance, good location, 30k schol
I am an engineer and most likely want to do operations and finance...
Any suggestions are appreciated...
My profile 700/5yrs WE-Automotive/Operations & Finance major.
Hi Harry
For some reasons, I believe your decision doesn't lie in these schools or which one has the best fin or ops or whatever it is. All 4 schools have totally different career paths for you. The main criteria is why and how do you need your fin and ops based on you 5 yr engineer background. It depends heavily on where exactly are you heading for, and what specific parts do you need from either fin or ops. How do you weight them and why.
Why would you like to go operation and finance as an engineer? these are totally 3 different planets. I believe the reason lies within your original rationale and it must be a good one, and it'll definitely be your criteria to choose these schools from. What's your goals and career paths look like?
IU has almost the best marketing strategy curriculum in the league, while it's really shining on this field that it's easy to overlook its strong finance. While Vandy does have almost 2 levels more sophisticated courses than Kelley, Vandy goes to experiencial and higher academic finance.
For the supply Chain and operations, OSU connects more completely toward the front end and market-oriented, and it's harder and tougher to balance through the value chain. But there's a weird part that MSU although has a better reputation on supply chain and ops, the courses seems smaller selection than Fisher.
But all these are only the school part. All that matter is where exactly are you going? what kind of combination or mixture do you need on fin and ops, and why that mix will help you achieve your career in which field? the school selection should be based more specifically on what elements do you need and why, not from any rank or vote.
Hi Guys,
Its that time of making choices. I have been accepted at following schools
IU - Good ranking, great marketing program, waiting for schol info
OSU - great resources, strong ops and logistics, waiting for schol info
MSU- great supply chain and ops, bad location, full schol + stipend
Vandy - great finance, good location, 30k schol
I am an engineer and most likely want to do operations and finance...
Any suggestions are appreciated...
My profile 700/5yrs WE-Automotive/Operations & Finance major.
Hi Harry
For some reasons, I believe your decision doesn't lie in these schools or which one has the best fin or ops or whatever it is. All 4 schools have totally different career paths for you. The main criteria is why and how do you need your fin and ops based on you 5 yr engineer background. It depends heavily on where exactly are you heading for, and what specific parts do you need from either fin or ops. How do you weight them and why.
Why would you like to go operation and finance as an engineer? these are totally 3 different planets. I believe the reason lies within your original rationale and it must be a good one, and it'll definitely be your criteria to choose these schools from. What's your goals and career paths look like?
IU has almost the best marketing strategy curriculum in the league, while it's really shining on this field that it's easy to overlook its strong finance. While Vandy does have almost 2 levels more sophisticated courses than Kelley, Vandy goes to experiencial and higher academic finance.
For the supply Chain and operations, OSU connects more completely toward the front end and market-oriented, and it's harder and tougher to balance through the value chain. But there's a weird part that MSU although has a better reputation on supply chain and ops, the courses seems smaller selection than Fisher.
But all these are only the school part. All that matter is where exactly are you going? what kind of combination or mixture do you need on fin and ops, and why that mix will help you achieve your career in which field? the school selection should be based more specifically on what elements do you need and why, not from any rank or vote.
服務注意事項及付款注意事項 (僅為服務模式說明,一切行為需依照法律規範):
服務注意事項及付款注意事項 (僅為服務模式說明,一切行為需依照台灣法律規範):
* 所有隱私資訊均予以保密。唯客戶書面同意後,本工作室得依情勢公開部分或全部資訊。
* 在理想的生涯發展中,"自我了解"與"生涯方向"較"校名"更為實際。校名並不一定會帶來理想的生涯發展。
* 各項服務有效期限為該服務開始進行後起算一年。
* 生涯方向選擇為客戶個人決策與責任。本服務僅提供生涯選擇參考,無法提供任何結果保證,並無法為客戶生涯負任何責任。
* 由於學校申請與生涯選擇流程中之不確定因素繁雜,一切申請與求職之個人行銷服務均無法提供任何結果保證。
* 托福請務必破百。
* 申請進度與期限掌控需由客戶自行負責。本服務將盡力為客戶趕上時限。但無法因任何理由為逾時負責。
* 由於專注力時效有限,為避免腦力負荷過度導致效能下降,每次面談不宜超過兩個小時半。
* 除不可抗力因素或絕對必要需求除外,”Career Explorer生涯導航”,”Program Fitting課程媒合”,”Opportunity Fitting職能媒合”等服務,各以十個小時為上限;”Personal Branding on Essay/Resume/Recommendation Letter申請論文/履歷/推薦信之個人品牌”服務部份,文件修改每篇上限三小時(申請論文每題以一般難度,500英文字為基準;履歷表為一頁;推荐信依照申請論文比例計算。) 服務費用依長度與難度比例加乘,必要時酌收額外鐘點顧問費用。
* 本服務由於需要深挖地基,基礎服務價格門檻高,對於申請學校數少的申請人,請審慎考慮。
* 工作室顧問之母語並非英文,請申請者及求職者務必將英文文件交由英文母語之編輯校閱。
* 若成功錄取工作或學校,請配合見證文宣與宣傳活動。
* 為持續提升服務專業性以利客戶,本工作室有修改服務內容或金額而不先行通知的權利。
* 本人保留一切法律權利。
付款模式與注意事項 (僅為服務模式說明,一切行為需依照法律規範):
* 服務價格為未稅價。
* 本服務為先付款後服務。
* 由於同時期服務人數有限,正式服務預約請先付訂金。
* 服務客滿時,恕不提供各項優惠。
* 本服務採行動辦公室模式,為節省客戶的無謂成本轉嫁,若會面場地有餐點費用,請客人自理。
* 如因故產生外出所產生費用,需由客人承擔(包含車資、餐飲、停車、燃料費用等)。
* 海外客戶之匯率換算,乃依收款當日台灣銀行公告匯率計算。
* 銀行國際匯款將有境內手續費與海外扣款發生,需由客戶自行支付。
* 若使用PayPal線上國際匯款方式,將有手續費產生,需由客戶自行支付。
* 為持續提升服務專業性以利客戶,本人有修改服務內容或金額而不先行通知的權利。
* 本人保留一切法律權利。
* 本工作室營利事業登記為「李信宏生涯管理工作室」,統編:72665547
* 海外學校允許申請人僱用留學申請顧問,請不用擔心。
* 所有隱私資訊均予以保密。唯客戶書面同意後,本工作室得依情勢公開部分或全部資訊。
* 在理想的生涯發展中,"自我了解"與"生涯方向"較"校名"更為實際。校名並不一定會帶來理想的生涯發展。
* 各項服務有效期限為該服務開始進行後起算一年。
* 生涯方向選擇為客戶個人決策與責任。本服務僅提供生涯選擇參考,無法提供任何結果保證,並無法為客戶生涯負任何責任。
* 由於學校申請與生涯選擇流程中之不確定因素繁雜,一切申請與求職之個人行銷服務均無法提供任何結果保證。
* 托福請務必破百。
* 申請進度與期限掌控需由客戶自行負責。本服務將盡力為客戶趕上時限。但無法因任何理由為逾時負責。
* 由於專注力時效有限,為避免腦力負荷過度導致效能下降,每次面談不宜超過兩個小時半。
* 除不可抗力因素或絕對必要需求除外,”Career Explorer生涯導航”,”Program Fitting課程媒合”,”Opportunity Fitting職能媒合”等服務,各以十個小時為上限;”Personal Branding on Essay/Resume/Recommendation Letter申請論文/履歷/推薦信之個人品牌”服務部份,文件修改每篇上限三小時(申請論文每題以一般難度,500英文字為基準;履歷表為一頁;推荐信依照申請論文比例計算。) 服務費用依長度與難度比例加乘,必要時酌收額外鐘點顧問費用。
* 本服務由於需要深挖地基,基礎服務價格門檻高,對於申請學校數少的申請人,請審慎考慮。
* 工作室顧問之母語並非英文,請申請者及求職者務必將英文文件交由英文母語之編輯校閱。
* 若成功錄取工作或學校,請配合見證文宣與宣傳活動。
* 為持續提升服務專業性以利客戶,本工作室有修改服務內容或金額而不先行通知的權利。
* 本人保留一切法律權利。
付款模式與注意事項 (僅為服務模式說明,一切行為需依照法律規範):
* 服務價格為未稅價。
* 本服務為先付款後服務。
* 由於同時期服務人數有限,正式服務預約請先付訂金。
* 服務客滿時,恕不提供各項優惠。
* 本服務採行動辦公室模式,為節省客戶的無謂成本轉嫁,若會面場地有餐點費用,請客人自理。
* 如因故產生外出所產生費用,需由客人承擔(包含車資、餐飲、停車、燃料費用等)。
* 海外客戶之匯率換算,乃依收款當日台灣銀行公告匯率計算。
* 銀行國際匯款將有境內手續費與海外扣款發生,需由客戶自行支付。
* 若使用PayPal線上國際匯款方式,將有手續費產生,需由客戶自行支付。
* 為持續提升服務專業性以利客戶,本人有修改服務內容或金額而不先行通知的權利。
* 本人保留一切法律權利。
* 本工作室營利事業登記為「李信宏生涯管理工作室」,統編:72665547
* 海外學校允許申請人僱用留學申請顧問,請不用擔心。