2008年2月25日 星期一

[Program Fitting]MBA到底怎麼選校?(地區/學費/課程導向)..有介紹Top50商學院的書籍或網站嗎?

最近實在是有點confused 美國這麼多商學院.到底各位是怎麼選校的~ 即使我把目標鎖定在Top 50 還是不知道該從何了解他們各自的 校風/強項領域/教學特色/招生習性/提供給國際學生宿舍的比例等細項 我看網路上大多推薦US NEWS 出版的頂尖研究所書籍.. 但是想請問有看過的人分享.裡面大概是介紹些什麼ㄋ?會有我想知道的那些資訊嗎? (因為他是各科系都有..不知道對欲申請MBA的人受用程度如何) 拜託各位好心前輩順便分享一下你們選校重點/順序 的經驗好唄^^ 除了個別上學校的網站去探尋.有沒有其他書籍或是網站 會做個比較detail的介紹和比較ㄋ 小妹在此獻上無盡的感謝 x 100

simply put have your GMAT and TOEFL scores ready first
then you'll have a pretty focused range for less than 20 schools by cross-comparing 3 major ranking systems
BW, FT, and US News

then assess your career passion and capabilities in detail
and compare your specific needs with different currirula
the "fit" schools will emerge by themselves
if you're really focus enough
it should be less than 6 schools for your laser-focused career options
since every school has dramatic different positioning and unique strengths

after all these career requirements then it's time to select schools by regions, tuitions, weather...etc.
and when you're choosing schools
schools are also choosing you
it all lies in the best mutual fit to maximize your career value and the equity of the school

