2008年2月14日 星期四

Testimonial 2


UT-Austin (Accounting #1), UIUC (scholarship, Accounting also #1), UT-Dallas (scholarship)

傷心咖啡店 首頁 -> 行銷與顧問專案討論區

發表於: 2006-03-25 08:20 文章主題: Admitted by UT-Austin--感謝David顧問教室

話說我只是申請MPA,沒想過要請留學顧問-又貴又沒用 就自己搞了許久 但SOP始終搞不定.. 一直在版上有看到David的文..想想這人講話有時候還蠻機車的. 不如請他給個建議好了..應該會一針見血.. 眼看David就要飛出去了 終於提起勇氣就請這個陌生男子幫忙.. David先讓我填了張問卷,然後看問卷再問我問題.. Why MPA? 這個問題我也思考過許多次..因為很多人問我Why not MBA? 在跟David聊過後 堅定我選擇MPA的心,也對未來理出個方向... 再來就是改SOP了,關於順序跟表達的方式 David幫了許多忙 當然我最後還是有請在國外的人潤稿,但基本上比我的原版精簡多了(UIUC只要三百字) 我一直對自己沒信心..覺得 Austin大概是白繳錢的..沒想到居然上了.. 總共申請四家UIUC, UT-Austin, UT-dallas, Texas A&M TAMU沒上. 其他都上了 ~~感謝David~~

Admitted by UT-Austin—Thanks for David’s consulting session
UT-Austin (Accounting #1), UIUC (scholarship, Accounting also #1), UT-Dallas (scholarship)

I was about to apply MBA, never thought about hiring agencies, waste money and useless, then I did it by myself for a long while, I still couldn’t fix my Statement of Purpose (SOP).

I always read David’s articles on the website, and this guy was quite outspoken, why not asking for his help? It should be very sharp and to the point.
While David was about to study abroad, I finally encouraged myself to seek help from David.
David first asked me to fulfill the Career Assessment Sheet, and then asked me “Why MPA?” while reading it. I thought about this question many times, because others always asked me “Why NOT MBA?” After consulting with David, I made up my mind to study MPA, and figured out my career path.

Later, I revised my SOP and consulted David about sequence and presenting my idea, and of course I asked someone oversea to review my materials, but it was basically much concise than my original draft. (UIUC required only 300 words.)

I was always not confident of myself, and I thought applying UT-Austin was a waste of my money…but I got admitted!

I applied for four schools, UIUC, UT-Austin, UT-Dallas, and Texas A&M. I only missed TAMU, and got admitted by other three schools.

~Thank you, David~

