2008年2月14日 星期四

Testimonial 4


MIT applicant
傷心咖啡店 首頁 -> 美洲留學相談室

發表於: 2006-10-04 15:30 文章主題: [分享]與大衛閒聊後有感

眾所皆知,大衛在版上的熱心是有目共睹,我也在GMAT中的RC版獲益良多, 在面臨出國申請學校的繁雜手續及忙不完的ESSAY中,我厚著臉皮向大衛請益,雖然他的課業繁忙,但還是願意跟我分享他的申請經驗.


[Sharing]After talking to David
MIT applicant
Everybody knows, David is enthusiastic on the website and well-recognized, I also gained a lot from his reading technique for GMAT exam. Facing the miscellaneous application process and ever-lasting essay writing, I asked for David’s help as a stranger. Even though he was busying on his MBA academy, he was still willing to share his application experience.

I was confident of my experience and academy power, and my scores were pretty competitive, but I always felt something missing in my essay package. After talking to David, I have to strongly recognize him that his delicate sense about details helped me figure out the missing part, although it was not a big deal to us, those elements may mean significantly to Westerners. At the mean time, I figured out the cultural intelligence can make great difference on applications.

I believe lots of competitive applicants are facing the same obstacles as I did, without application agencies, it was really helpless in the dark. Although I enjoyed the application process, but just like lots of “celebrity applicants” on the website, the application process is an examination of your life to date. While I was also worried about what if I fail? I suggest self-applicants seeking help from experts who studied MBA themselves to revise your application package, and I believe it’ll greatly help on your cultural intelligence.

Finally, I have to thank David for your great help, and treat you a beer party, I owe you one.

