2008年11月8日 星期六

[MUST READ] Honor from NSHMBA!!! (v)

主旨: Thank you
寄件者: "Rose Mary Bombela-Tobias"
日期: Sat, 十一月 8, 2008 9:36 pm
收件者: davidl@mbacareerfitter.com
重要性: 普通
環境設定: 顯示完整標頭 | 顯示友善列印模式

November 8, 2008

David Hsin-Hung Lee
MBA Career Consultant
David's MBA Career Management

Dear David:

It was an honor and privilege working with you at the National Society
of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) 2008 Career Conference and Expo. Your
commitment, passion and professionalism made the Resume and Interview Clinic an unqualified success. We assisted nearly 500 job seekers over
2 days with your help.

The evaluations returned to the Clinic reported that recommendations
and advice given by the professionals made a significant difference in
their presentations and job search. You were mentioned specifically in
one evaluation with the following comment, "David Lee was great. He
really helped me remove all the technical jargon from my resume.

NSHMBA leadership and staff have praised our program as exceeding
their expectations and a testament to the highest standards of the
career services industry.

We thank you for sharing your talent with us. We hope you enjoyed the
experience as much as we did.

Warm regards,

Murray and Rose Mary

Murray A. Mann and Rose Mary Bombela-Tobias
NSHMBA Resume and Interview Clinic
Authors, Barron The Complete Job Search Guide for
Principals, Global Diversity Solutions Group- Building High
performance Multi-Cultural

