2009年2月9日 星期一

[Personal Branding]请教大牛简历等问题

(Modified from original taxt)
很担心自己的简历 总觉得不够专业,拿到学校修改过 但是格式老是出问题。 尤其是粘贴到网站的时候,格式就更是一塌糊涂。。。非常非常希望能得到简历大牛的advise。。怎么在word里面 修改出完美的格式呢?还有关于action words..用些什么好呢?谢谢大家!

it's not about action verbs

format is simple either

LZ's probelm now is not about resume presentation, but about career management

resume is only the iceberg of your career management

only when you're fully aware of your focused career direction will you craft an outstanding resume

it's about your "career branding"

the major problem for LZ is the jumpy pattern from field to field

you need to explore what's your enthusiastic field first and stay focus

then learn how to correlate your enjoyable and transformable skills to build your career brand

what set of skills do you want to build your "brand" in recruiter's perception

you need to put yourself into recruiter's shoes

show them what you've got to benefit the company

what's your academic background and professional experience, what's your core competence from your mba study

and why do the recruiters need your skills?

the main challenge for LZ now is the inconsistency among several fields

finance vs. tech mgmt, but what LZ really admires is marketing field

then what kind of marketing job?

market intelligence? marketing communication? product development? or brand management?

and why?

recruiters are looking for these "clues" in your resume

and scrutinize how you "sell" yourself

if you cannot sell the most important brand "YOU," how can you sell the services for the company?

first you need to explore your most enjoyable and competent career path through 3 major career drivers

"Enthusiasm," "Personal Characteristics," and "Professional Capabilities"

find out what motivates you toward marketing

and specific part of marketing? since it's a huge field

then what can you leverage your financial learnings and internship experience to deliver the future career

or should you avoid those distractions

about the insurance representative job

you need to be cautious for your long term career

since your short-term job will trigger some openings in certain job catagories, or even limit your options in the future

as time goes by, you may get harder and harder to get out from the wrond choices

since you're more and more experienced in certain field while traded by opportunity costs

pls visit my blog and shoot me email as below

