2022年8月23日 星期二

Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:台灣申請人機會來了



U.S. Universities Face Headwinds In Recruiting International Students


There has been a steep decline in Chinese students coming to the United States to attend college, the Wall Street Journal reported this week, with the number of F-1 visas issued dropping in the first six months of 2022 to 31,055 compared to 64,261 issued in the first six months of 2019 — before Covid-19.

Chinese students account for the largest share of international students in the U.S., representing a bit more than a third of total international enrollment. 

… And it threatens colleges’ bottom lines, particularly at public universities where most international students pay much higher nonresident tuition rates than in-state students.

…Particularly strict travel restrictions in China related to Covid-19 have been an additional hindrance, even as the pandemic appears to be easing.

U.S. institutions have recognized the sagging interest from China for some time and are taking steps to counteract it, including trying to replace the losses by recruiting more students from India and other countries.

There are signs that these efforts are paying off. A recent survey of 559 U.S. institutions by the Institute of International Education (IIE) showed almost two-thirds (65%) of them reporting an increase in applications for admission from international students for the 2022-23 academic year.


反之,台灣經歷全民防疫,超前部署獨步全球,防疫成就全球有目共睹; 同時也透過疫情,全球了解到台灣的半導體科技不可或缺,一旦斷線將造成全球停擺。因而國際政要相繼訪台,而形成全球挺台的共識。


從本單位近年屢創新高,且再創新紀錄--以GMAT均分650、TOEFL均分94.5、無背景、非接班的申請人們創下海底撈月奇蹟,除國際不可抗力及經濟因素外,清一色拿下Top 20 MBA、包含獎學金的神奇紀錄!



申請人們仍要面對萬年難題--Career Goal生涯目標、Why MBA,及Why Now…等Essay,需要明確的具體動機及生涯邏輯,同時也才能突破GMAT留學考試酷斯拉,以及托福。

不然一旦難以「Holistic Approach 全觀式申請」來解釋大學主修及選課走向與成績表現、業餘社團與公益活動的明確動機,乃至進入職場時的產業與職能選擇、職掌轉變、爬升速度、個人具體能力組合與發展走向、轉職邏輯、及未來生涯目標等,若難以一以貫之,又講不出Why MBA、Why Now,及Why School的具體課程計畫,那麼即便空有名額,學校仍舊會因為申請人進修動機不明確,而將申請人拒於門外。


如此生涯動機目標等難題,需要透過檢視成長過程中,超越環境挑戰所養生的興趣技能,並統整出「生涯三驅力」,來貫串求學與就業經驗的精密邏輯,並投射出具體生涯目標; 然後透過需求分析(Gap Analysis),來找出細緻的具體技能課程、Why MBA,及Why School,才能在前仆後繼的擠破頭競爭之中,將申請文件一以貫之,而形成強大的雷射砲,從而拿下常春藤名校獎學金。



David Lee 

