2008年2月5日 星期二

Testimonial 1


Admitted by Oxford, Maryland (scholarship), USC (highest scholarship), IBEAR (highest scholarship), UCSD (full scholarship), RSM, Beijing BiMBA

傷心咖啡店 首頁 -> 歐洲留學相談室 http://www.chemy.idv.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=114119&highlight=#114119

性別: 文章: 128註冊時間: 2005-01-01發表於: 2006-05-06 15:14 文章主題: Re: Admitted by Oxford

Dear David兄弟, Thank you again, David!你熱心的用你的才能幫忙了和我一樣的許多人! 你在挖掘別人的潛能超有天分,還好當初趁你老兄出國前有把握住一次essay諮詢的機會,在那次短短的時間內學到寶貴的“倒三角”essay撰寫心法!現在回想起申請第一間馬里蘭寫的essay內容,簡直是$%#,哈哈哈..還好有先找你指點,在大幅修改內容後送出申請文件,才能順利被錄取。 與你討論過馬大的essay的方向後,有捕捉到一些撰寫essay的基本邏輯,本來想申請時候可以好好尋求你的幫忙,可惜那一次後,過沒多久你就飛去T-Bird深造了,也正式開啟你忙碌的MBA生活。嘿嘿,雖然說你很熱情可以用網路幫忙,但是我知道你每天忙碌的生活後,實在不好意思再麻煩你幫忙看其他的essay文件。 撰寫essay的過程讓我挫折到想找專人諮詢,但是因為時間、金錢及心理感覺等因素,我並沒有找坊間的代辦分擔這些勞務,我所採用的是藉由網路獲取的資料摸索逐步前進,繁瑣的申請文件全部都經由自己撰寫及修訂,再申請摸索的過程花了太多的時間,導致能丟的學校跟輪次並非最佳,甚至有些真正想申請的學校都過了期限無法完工,只好放棄申請。 真的是千金難買早知道,我總共申請9間學校,目前為止也幸運的拿到6間的admission,但自己看看最後所有申請的學校組合起來實在奇怪!! 我這種閉門造車的申請學校方式真的很沒效率。回顧自己在DIY申請MBA過程中,我發現可以改善的空間很大,尤其是選取學校的部分。假使能藉助對學校深刻的認識,一開始做好選校的申請規劃,我想我申請的學校及時間點一定會不一樣。現在回頭來看自己所丟的學校跟時間真的太隨性,太欠缺良好的策略規劃。 總之,在漫長的DIY MBA申請過程中,我獲得了寶貴的經驗與教訓,透過別人的幫忙,真的可以減低很多錯誤摸索的時間。David你的潛能分析能力很可貴,除了幫大家申請MBA時候非常有用外,還可以想想怎麼發揮更大的效果. 祝你一切順心如意...

Phase III--Personal Branding 個人品牌行銷

a. 列出各校的具體招生需求

ex: MIT 強調teamwork 與 innovative leadership
Columbia 強調entrepreneurial leadership 與finance
Harvard 強調organizational restructure 與 corporate entrepreneurship

b. 列出自身各項媒合籌碼與條件

c. 依照個人品牌精華元素找出行銷傳播主軸


Phase II--MBA課程分析與媒合

2. 課程選擇與媒合 Find the fit program:
當深度自我了解之後, 自身強項與弱項所呈現的多邊形, 與理想目標之間的隔閡所呈現的gap area, 就會成為尋找學校特性的比對基準!
運用這個gap area找出您所需要的主要元素,
例如: GMAT 670 三年產品經理經驗, 對供應鏈有興趣,
則可以選擇MSU的Marketing & Supply Chain concentration!

GMAT 650 兩年半廣告經驗, 想走企業端產品行銷,
可以選UNC Customer & Product Management concentration

GMAT 690 四年四大事務所經驗, 想在會計領域晉升高階經理,

GMAT 710 五年消費性品牌經理, 要挑戰世界級品牌管理!
西北凱洛格, Wharton, MIT, 維吉尼亞達頓, IU Kelley


學校特性可由交叉比對學校課程, rankings, essay題目, 及推薦信題目中找出

P.S. 托福是一定要過105的喔!

Phase I--MBA深度生涯導航

I. 了解自己 Explore yourself:分為a,b,c三個細項

a. 自己現在在哪: 檢視自己的學歷背景到工作經驗是如何轉折?

挖出自己在一般五年左右的工作年資中, 有何優勢與成就?

這些成就在"管理價值鏈"的各大領域中: 市場,業務,行銷,財務,經濟,統計,供應鏈,作業管理,策略,人力資源,領導力,創業...etc., 分別是哪些領域強? 哪些領域弱? 找出自己的多邊形!

b. 未來要去何方: 自己的生涯興趣,長短程目標與動機到底為何?

職業生涯由三項主要元素構成: 性格,興趣,與專業能力

三項有因果關係: 前兩項會造成第三項, 亦可能一三項造成第二項


可依照"縱向產業別"與"橫向職務別"來交叉, 如:"IT"產業的"產品研發經理"


c. 隔閡分析 Gap analysis: 從上頭a項的"現在"到b項的"理想地"之間, 差了什麼?

中間所欠缺的東西, 需要什麼來補足?


又需要商學研究所中的哪塊或哪幾塊系統知識, 與實務訓練才能真實的達到生涯理想地?

大衛 MBA職涯管理&課程諮詢中心 (每日限量2名)

工作幾年了想出國唸商 MBA或MS, 找不到方向又不知從何下手? 對如何選擇生涯路線與校系選擇一頭霧水???

不用擔心 大家都一樣~ You're not alone!!


1. In Depth Career Explorer (深度職涯導航)

從學經歷找出興趣方向, 分析現狀與未來的gap, 並歸結進修方向

2. MBA Program Fitter (MBA課程媒合)

依照自身優勢與興趣動機, 配合GMAT分數範圍, 找出屬性適切的獨特學校

3. Personal Branding to the fit MBA (申請MBA個人品牌行銷)

找出目標學校的細項特性, 策劃自身所有條件與武器


如有任何疑問請不要客氣, 儘管來信詢問

赴湯蹈火 全力協助申請人走出最佳MBA生涯!!

Service Email (前半小時諮詢免費): davidlee0222big1@gmail.com

Phase III--Personal Branding on Application Package

Supporting Program-Specific Essay Synthesizing, or Individual Regular Outputs including Program-Specific Single Essay, Talent Management on Resume, Talent Management on Cover Letter, and on Talent Management on Letter of Recommendation.

Presentation Package
Each element is closely correlated with one another. Synthesizing all dimensions of capacity portfolio with clear career theme is critical, whereas presenting career package through cross-format integration to champion the optimized position is vital, even for your life.
The career value of every individual is multi-dimensional, reaching down to certain extent of definition, with clear logic theme. It can be presented in certain form of “career presentation package” with given objectives. For MBA application objective, the career presentation package is essay package, resume, and recommendation of letters, with cover letter for some schools.
Admission Committees evaluate individual applicants through cross-dimensional criteria, such as the genuine motivation, the clarity of career objectives and logic, extent of self-awareness, and relevant core competence and shortage details, not only about studying MBA, but also about real-life.

Essays are a space to present your fit for this program by answering specific questions, these questions are closely connected with the objectives and positioning of the given program, also are linked to the resource power of this program. These questions may examine your career portfolio by different dimensions, your motivation, goals, professional and personal capacities, characteristics, and career logic, and the most importantly, why this program? What’re the specific reasons or details that can fulfill your needs by their supply, and mutually how can you contribute to fulfill their needs? If your career portfolio can closely fit the resource package of certain program, then you are the one.

Resume is the official career presentation format with chronological or functional logic. Clear objectives and specific goals are needed for sound career theme. The main purpose is not only show reader your accumulated experiences through out career progress, but also tell them what specific relevant capacities do you have for target position, such as professional knowledge, qualitative and/or quantitative skills, individual capability as well as teamwork comprehension or even managerial skills, while most importantly, where is this career path heading for? How do these capacities and attributes correlated with your motivation and characteristics.
Professional career reviser can help on correlating career logic, while English Business Communication Techniques are critical to present powerful career value in concise and persuasive fashion.

Cover Letter
Cover Letter is the official communication channel between you and prospective employer or position administrator. The purpose of the Cover Letter is to communicate the objectives and qualification summary to target reader on behalf of your resume. Clear objective and qualification fit need to be concisely presented basing on the sense of audience, while the vision of the reader and specific capacity fit with target position should be matched to possible extent.
Business courtesy and professional writing skills in official letter format are basic requirement, while clear objective and career marketing techniques need to be applied with the sense of audience. Core value and beneficial trade position can also be woven through negotiation techniques and game theory profession.

Recommendation of Letters
To evaluate the candidacy of applicants in overall dimensions, especially in business circumstance, references from third parties are required while intimate supervisors with close view on applicant for credible timeframe are strongly preferred. Overall capacity of applicant needs to be reviewed, criteria covering individual capabilities regarding task-handling, problem-solving, teamwork efficiency, professional skills, entrepreneurship, quantitative and/or qualitative skills, and leadership.

The perspectives in Recommendation of Letters from referents are highly correlated with attributes and patterns in career portfolio in terms of essay package, resume, and even cover letter. Cross-material integration with genuine presentation can be vital when reconciling with Recommendation of Letters in referents' standpoints.