2012年6月8日 星期五

The Happiness Advantage (cont.)



The Happiness Advantage (cont.)


The Aappiness Advantage (cont.)


The Happiness Advantage (cont.)




居然沒幾天就看完了The Happiness Advantage這本書

居然沒幾天就看完了無意間在書店發現的The Happiness Advantage這本書,長這麼大第一次看書這麼快,因為實在是太好看了!一定要分享給各位~

作者是一位哈佛講師Shawn Achor,近年做了大量科學研究關於人類的快樂與成功的關聯,巡迴世界各地演講,並諮商無數頂尖企業如何透過快樂的企業文化來提升生產力。

但大量研究顯示,事實上是 內心快樂->工作效能高->導致成功


Finished reading The Happiness Advantage!

Finished reading The Happiness Advantage (the fastest ever for me to read a book!). Absolutely the best book I've ever read in my life! Several simple yet extremely powerful techniques to make your life way happier!

Such as job vs. career vs. calling by simply moving the Fulcrum and the Lever in our perceptions;

The "2.9013" Losada Line: the least ratio of praise vs. blame for a positive environment, while 6:1 is the most efficient ratio for group dynamic;

Tetris Effect along with Falling Up that our minds are constantly shaped by our perceptions, and thus it's possible and a great way to brainwash ourselves for happiness to fuel success; simply telling your family 3 good things on daily basis can train our brains more efficiently identify positive incidents around us;

Zorro's circle to help ourselves to deal with enormous challenge by first focusing on small and manageable tasks to build confidence and gain back control;

20-second effect to form a new habit by lowering the activation energy that you can activate it in less than 20-seconds, or to get ourselves out of a bad habit by simply raising the activation energy that you cannot possess it in less than 20-second;

And Social Investment, i.e. "Love", is the single most effective happiness predictor after a 70-year, largest research ever on happiness, the more people engage with their social network, the happier and more successful they are, richer and live longer also!

The last best thing is the Ripple Effect. People are wired biologically to mirror and reflect the environment, so when a positive and happy person around us, we can all feel happier and better, and it can effectively affect 3 degrees of separation, i.e. 1,000 people around us. So using this "Leadership of love" (what a coincident with my theory!), we can all effect people around us in all kinds of settings, making our teams, organizations, families...etc. more productive and happier!

This should be a worldwide bestselling book! It has already changing countless lives in this world, anyway!