2017年12月25日 星期一

Monday Blue Buster每周一MBA之生涯解惑日:聖誕節篇--窮究領導力的超高階選校

Monday Blue Buster每周一MBA之生涯解惑日:聖誕節篇

500强MT gap一年之后依旧瓶



眾所皆知,商學院是在培養國際領導人的搖籃。然而,一般商學院所教的領導力,多半是案例中的分析與技巧。偏偏這些成功領導人所處的時空環境,並不是量化或質化分析就能一探究竟或複製的,而是在於複雜的人格養成,並且時勢造英雄,英雄造時勢。不然歷史上就不會只有一個喬丹,也不會只有一個賈伯斯(喬布斯)或Lady Gaga了。


哈佛有一門課叫做「Authentic Leader Development」,連結與說明如下,簡單說就是生涯三驅力的最高境界:無欲則剛。要達到如此境界,必須要窮究自身的生涯三驅力:興趣技能分項為何?性格養成的認同動力學出自為何(多半是父母與手足)?及個體心理學家阿德勒的「自卑與超越」vs.後人對他的研究「被討厭的勇氣」。

If you spend time reflecting on some of the following challenges, you might consider taking ALD:
  • I am 26 years old; I have lived for my resume. I am proud of what I have accomplished, but is that really all there is to it? What do I live for now?
  • I seek public success and approval; my achievement masks deeper insecurities.
  • I need to appear “strong” and “perfect.” I rarely open up or ask for help. These actions are signs of weakness to me.
  • Why do I obsess about my image?
  • Why am I afraid to tell you who I really am?
  • I obsess about status and money, but don’t have the courage to pursue my personal passions. I’m not even sure anymore what they are.

Course Premise:

To the extent that you have a clearer sense of:
who you are,
your life story,
your values & principles,
your motivations and passions,
your leadership purpose,
your True North.

When it comes time to lead you will be more likely to:
1) step up,
2) lead effectively, and
3) live a more integrated & meaningful life.


The Moral Leader

Creating Shared Value: Competitive Advantage through Social Impact

Reimagining Capitalism: Business and Big Problems

Managing, Organizing & Motivating for Value


在學校的Mission & Objectives中,其中一個關鍵是 Leadership & Teams,概略分為「修身、齊家、治國、平天下」的概念。


Develop the individual skills, knowledge, and expertise to deeply understand your industry and organization. Understand your own values, strengths, and weaknesses. Get the insights into negotiation and human behavior that you need to communicate and persuade.

然後到Team,再到Organization,最後到Global & Society

其中有位關鍵人物叫做 Prof. Amy Wrzesniewski,常年出產大量關於工作滿足與使命的相關研究,包含以下課程與研究:

Jobs, Careers, and Callings: People’s Relations to Their Work: 


Career as a calling

On the meaning of work: A theoretical integration and review 

Careers and callings: How work meanings shape job transitions;

How work shapes well-being

If I could turn back time: Occupational regret and its consequences for work and life

Being valued and devalued at work: A social valuing perspective

Job crafting and cultivating positive meaning and identity in work

Courage and work: Breaking routines to improve performance

It's Not Just a Job

而耶魯的Leadership Thinking and Practice訓練,則是由小而大做練習:

  1. Individual Level
    examples: Values and leadership commitments, knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses
  2. Interpersonal/Team Level
    examples: Giving/receiving feedback, emotional intelligence, communication, diversity
  3. Organizational Level
    examples: Developing and implementing vision and strategy, organizational design and organizational culture
  4. Global Level
    examples: Building and sustaining community, ethics, social responsibility and accountability, cultural awareness
Leadership Fundamentals: 
"...about leading yourself. Content will be drawn from the field of applied social psychology and will include information on basic adult development, leader development processes, and the effect of major life events on development and leadership. Self-development, self-regulation, and goal setting comprise a major design element and focus of the course.”

還有Designing & Leading Organizations課程,算是進階版。


David 李



28了,单身,不知道自己是不是典型。在gap year之前一直走着所谓的优生之路,在去藏区支教结束之后,突然觉得大公司里的螺丝钉人生没有意义。我至今不后悔自己的辞职和那一年的gap,可是gap完之后,依旧没有找到特别想要扎根的职业方向,开始在一些领域去探索,却一直失败。曾经还会有一些dream job,有憧憬有崇拜,现在觉得,似乎一切都只是那么一会儿事。非常严重的瓶颈期,不知道怎么突破。

