NSHMBA美國最大MBA徵才會 首位華人顧問
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Monday Blue Buster 週一MBA生涯公益答疑日~
2014年7月29日 星期二
2014年7月9日 星期三
Former NSHMBA Career Counselor Taking Questions, Jul 9, 2014
Former NSHMBA Career Counselor Taking Questions
Hi David,
Here I got a question about career shift:
I quitted my job from a fortune 500 company in April and currently take responsibiliy in a NGO to provide consulting service. Given that my short-term goal is consulting and long-term goal is public sector,
1.which would be the proper choice: find another job to fill the "gap" or simply continue the NGO work?
2.is it ok to put NGO experience under WORK EXPERIENCE in the resume?
3.I remember you mentioned that those applicants who had a career shift with clear goal and motive before applicaiton are even more likey to be admitted. How could we make the best of the career shift?
Thank you so much!
I’ve got a client with similar background like you few years ago, and already graduated from Kellogg MBA! So don’t worry about listing only one F500 job and another NGO experience~
The key questions AO would ask are: why NGO in short-term and public sector in long-term? Do these goals relevant with your previous F500 experience? Why do you need an MBA from their schools and why now?
Don’t worry, as long as you have a strong cause for these goals, and a strong demand for specific curriculum or academic resources, plus your hard candidacy, you should be fine to get into top b-schools.
The questions are two-fold: a. Your real career development footprint, especially on developing specific skill set targeting particular NGO functions, and b. Admission demand from b-schools.
NGO and public sector careers are two very different paths, but are both typically low-compensated paths. So first, when all b-schools are aiming to advance their own rankings for future financial prosperity, they’re more likely to first admit candidates more possibly to earn higher salary at graduation. So “strategically”, unless the NGO goal is so important both to yourself and the society in global scale, and you need a competitive MBA so bad from particular schools which have strong missions like you, such as HBS, Yale SOM, UNC Kenan-Flagler, Georgetown McDonough, etc., then the goal will certainly work for you. However, you may expect most b-schools have a bigger appetite for career options with higher compensation at graduation. If this is a concern for you, then you might want to consider don’t claim these goals, at least not for short-term.
NGO is a professional experience for sure, and it should be listed on your resume as an official job. Nevertheless, it’s intriguing when you’re asking whether to find another job besides NGO you currently work for, especially as a consultant. Just a wild guess, your NGO consulting job is not really making you grow too much. If so, then that’s a great sign from few perspectives: a. You’re really eager for growth! The "drive" for success is a MUST for top b-schools which claim to educate world-class leaders. b. Probably from the bottom of your heart, there are other career options than NGO or public sector, and you might be wandering whether you should keep walking this NGO path or switch to other options. If so, a deeper look into your career drivers is needed, so as to truly dig out your enthusiasm, and make them a feasible career. And later examine your why MBA accordingly.
The ideal career management is to develop self-awareness, so as to achieve ultimate fulfillment that truly reflects your values and only belongs to you. Only your authentic enjoyable skills can lead you to that Utopia. After consulting thousands of cases, who mostly graduated from their MBAs for years and have thrived on their fulfillment, I notice school names seldom play big role in their lives. Only self-awareness can set you free from irrelevant desire.
Hi David,
Here I got a question about career shift:
I quitted my job from a fortune 500 company in April and currently take responsibiliy in a NGO to provide consulting service. Given that my short-term goal is consulting and long-term goal is public sector,
1.which would be the proper choice: find another job to fill the "gap" or simply continue the NGO work?
2.is it ok to put NGO experience under WORK EXPERIENCE in the resume?
3.I remember you mentioned that those applicants who had a career shift with clear goal and motive before applicaiton are even more likey to be admitted. How could we make the best of the career shift?
Thank you so much!
I’ve got a client with similar background like you few years ago, and already graduated from Kellogg MBA! So don’t worry about listing only one F500 job and another NGO experience~
The key questions AO would ask are: why NGO in short-term and public sector in long-term? Do these goals relevant with your previous F500 experience? Why do you need an MBA from their schools and why now?
Don’t worry, as long as you have a strong cause for these goals, and a strong demand for specific curriculum or academic resources, plus your hard candidacy, you should be fine to get into top b-schools.
The questions are two-fold: a. Your real career development footprint, especially on developing specific skill set targeting particular NGO functions, and b. Admission demand from b-schools.
NGO and public sector careers are two very different paths, but are both typically low-compensated paths. So first, when all b-schools are aiming to advance their own rankings for future financial prosperity, they’re more likely to first admit candidates more possibly to earn higher salary at graduation. So “strategically”, unless the NGO goal is so important both to yourself and the society in global scale, and you need a competitive MBA so bad from particular schools which have strong missions like you, such as HBS, Yale SOM, UNC Kenan-Flagler, Georgetown McDonough, etc., then the goal will certainly work for you. However, you may expect most b-schools have a bigger appetite for career options with higher compensation at graduation. If this is a concern for you, then you might want to consider don’t claim these goals, at least not for short-term.
NGO is a professional experience for sure, and it should be listed on your resume as an official job. Nevertheless, it’s intriguing when you’re asking whether to find another job besides NGO you currently work for, especially as a consultant. Just a wild guess, your NGO consulting job is not really making you grow too much. If so, then that’s a great sign from few perspectives: a. You’re really eager for growth! The "drive" for success is a MUST for top b-schools which claim to educate world-class leaders. b. Probably from the bottom of your heart, there are other career options than NGO or public sector, and you might be wandering whether you should keep walking this NGO path or switch to other options. If so, a deeper look into your career drivers is needed, so as to truly dig out your enthusiasm, and make them a feasible career. And later examine your why MBA accordingly.
The ideal career management is to develop self-awareness, so as to achieve ultimate fulfillment that truly reflects your values and only belongs to you. Only your authentic enjoyable skills can lead you to that Utopia. After consulting thousands of cases, who mostly graduated from their MBAs for years and have thrived on their fulfillment, I notice school names seldom play big role in their lives. Only self-awareness can set you free from irrelevant desire.
2014年7月8日 星期二
[CD Career答疑解惑專欄] 请教大家MBA后的去向,大家为什么回国?如果回国了还能出来么?
——刊于《ChaseDream Career》3月刊”答疑解惑“栏目 http://forum.chasedream.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=740999&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dtypeid%26typeid%3D185%26typeid%3D185 [实习就业] 请教大家MBA后的去向,大家为什么回国?如果回国了还能出来么? 本人MBA class of 2013在读,现在wall street实习。和不少金融方向的人聊,大家对美国生活的喜爱是共识,但说到职业的发展还是想回亚洲,平台大,能make a difference. 老了再投资移民什么的。 我和他们想法区别就在于,我不想等那么老了再过来,如果因为美国找不到心仪工作之类,毕业回亚洲了,我也想尽快回到美国。而这一年的mba让我充分认识到,美国是有多么看重在美国的工作经验。其他国家的经验要么不太认要么discount 我长期career goal是在美国做corporate development,这种工作通常从投行招。香港或者国内投行主要业务也是大陆,跟美国没什么关系。想问问大家香港投行到美国可能么? --- 答: 小弟MBA 快毕业时修的最后一门课叫「Work Relationship Management 工作关系管理」,里头的最后一堂是教授请大家带废杂志跟剪刀、胶水,然后给大家一人一张白报纸,教室放着交响乐,要大家在轻松的环境下,剪贴出自己理想的人生是长什么样子。有人剪房子,有人剪车子,有人剪很多很多钱,大小比例各有不一,可是大家都一定会剪「家人」,而且几乎都放在中间,当然也有人放很边缘的地方。这堂课的目的是让大家了解自己的价值观是如何取舍生命 中的事务,并由此自我理解来找出与别人的差异,以进行群体沟通,再从而建立职场关系。为什么要讲这个呢?下面就会知道。 原则上回国后美国签证就会失效,就不会让你过去了。因此问题在于为什么要回国?您已经有华尔街实习经验,相当优秀,就已经足够在当地求职了,毕业可以直接进入美国IB 或corporate finance,何必要回国呢?亚洲跟美国是两个世界,并没有直接关联,不会从香港跳到美国的,除非你有世界级的投资分析与避险能力,又对亚洲市场有过人洞见,老美非要网罗你不可,才有可能,但原则上多半也是留在亚洲做中国市场。 另外会牵涉到年资卡位问题,在亚洲工作就不会有美国年资,反之亦然,而会直接影响到长期年资积累,市场熟悉度与动向也会完全不同,不论从哪边开始,都会产生机会成本,若在美国工作五年再回亚洲,就会有「亚洲经验少人家五年」的机会成本,而毕业后在亚洲工作,就会有回不了美国的状况。因此要考虑清楚到底要在哪里积累工作经验。 然而小弟个人认为这些都不是真正的重点。 心理学上的研究发现,快乐来自于三个泉源:「Pleasant 愉悦」就是听人讲笑话笑个几分钟,很短暂,后面「Engagement 亲友关系」与「Meaning 意义」都是长期的,只有长期与亲友产生良善关系,并从事自己觉得有意义的工作或活动,人生才会得到长期的满足。因此您会提问的真正的要点,可能在于您想家,所以想回来,但又不甘于放弃美国经验,但鱼与熊掌不可兼得。别人喜不喜欢美国都跟你无关,人家要不要回来是他家的事,不会影响到你要不要回美国。 倒是小弟当年MBA 后只待美国一年就回国了,因为实在是想不到为什么要留在一个非亲非故,语言文化都没有直接交集的国家。为什么要服务一群对自己没什么情感意义的老美,为什么不回来协助自己人?亲友都在国内,东西好吃又便宜,游山玩水都是自己人,历史文化都是自己的,生活水平也高低都有,任君选择。在美国最便宜的快餐一餐也要七刀,又不好吃,半夜只能逛Wal-Mart。想都不用想就回来了。现在积累了连美国都没有的生涯管理专业,到哪里也是赚global pay,再靠专业杀回美国也不迟,只是实在觉得意义不大。在国内多快活!每天都陪着家人,年节带家人游山玩水,过着充实愉快的每一天,这才是比物质生活更重要的事。说完了,要去陪家人了~ Sincerely, David 李 |
[CD Career答疑解惑專欄] 坛子里有读MBA转行去做corporate finance的吗
——刊于《ChaseDream Career》2014年1月刊”答疑解惑“栏目
[实习就业] 坛子里有读MBA转行去做corporate finance的吗
[实习就业] 坛子里有读MBA转行去做corporate finance的吗
本人准备今年申请,这段时间一直在想读完MBA后职业发展目标应该是怎么样的,说来惭愧,老是想不清楚。 我的背景如下:工程设计行业,国企,工作近8年,G/T 都考好了。我对 corporate finance 比较感兴趣,有如下问题: 1. 各位做 corporate finance 的同学每天主要做些什么,对这一行怎么看。 2. 这一行如果考虑以后回国的话薪资水平怎么样。 3. 要转行成功,读MBA期间要特别注意哪些方面,像课程,俱乐部,能力之类的。 希望各位行业的前辈不吝赐教,先谢过了。 --- 答: 外国的月亮比较圆? 为何工程设计国企会要转企金? 为什么会对corp finance 有兴趣? 一个是实实在在的工程设计,有逻辑有蓝图有因果,另一个是透过风险计算的臆测;一个实在,一个抽象,本质上有根本的不同。没有想清楚前,要转成的希望很渺茫。又既然说有兴趣,为什么会连每天在做什么跟待遇情况都不晓得?根据咨商经验,这样的兴趣十之八九是假象或错觉,要考虑清楚;另一方面,作金融的多半在早期学生时代就开始展现专才,关心的问题也多半是每天的全球经济动向, 与各投资目标的股价涨跌,并能够自然产生投资策略,越练直觉越精准。而不是关心待遇有多少。没有这样长年累积来的经验兴趣,就算真的转进去也不会开心的。这样做没多久又要转别的,会变成无止尽的轮回,到头来已经退休了;另一方面,能在工程八年之久,想必有很根本的兴趣与成就感。可能只是一时遇到瓶颈,或习以为常刺激感减少。若是习以为常的兴趣,要知道其实这就是幸福,除非还可以往上爬。若是真没有兴趣,那反而要检讨为什么过了八年才发现?不太合情理。其中必定有留住你的原因,多半也都来自于兴趣或成长。因此真正的问题并不是要转去哪里,而是为什么会想转出工程,企金兴趣又是哪来的。找出其中的原因,会比空想要转去一个连每天在做什么都不晓得的领域来的实际多了。 Sincerely, David 李 |
[CD Career答疑解惑專欄] 纠结是读MBA 还是MSc( 金融方向),人在加国,打算以后回国发展
——刊于《ChaseDream Career》2014年1月刊”答疑解惑“栏目
[实习就业] 纠结是读MBA 还是MSc( 金融方向),人在加国,打算以后回国发展
人在加拿大Montreal,申请了concordia的MBA与MSc( 金融方向)。 MBA已经面试过,感觉应该没问题。MSc的offer应该也没问题。选这学校原因是学费便宜+家人在这,可以省点钱。
很大可能回国发展, 且还想回到家乡(三流省会城市)工作。 想从事金融行业,原因一,我觉得我擅长这块。 原因二,工作没太多应酬,不像做marketing的,这个你懂得,我女。原因三,家乡感觉除了那几个银行/证劵公司, 没啥好企业了。
MBA是这个学校最好的, 但也没上2012年财富100的榜啊。
MSc就更没名气了,不过它有一个专门的金融方向。但是疑问是 MSc全称是MSc in Adminstration, 方向是金融。如果选这个项目,人家HR认不认是金融专业啊? 国内的招聘对于专业这块还是很rigid的。比如企业管理,人家HR算管理,旅游管理,人家HR就当你是导游了。
不知您学术竞争力如何,就小弟当年参访Columbia MBA 时,两个互不熟识的华人学生竟然异口同声讲了同一句话:”Never sell yourself short.” 有能力的话就念排名好一点的学校,没有美国前二十也要前五十,不要因为便宜或离家近就选了,到时候不是薪资多少的问题,而是根本找不到工作等饿死。
真要念这间的话,MBA 看来是比较靠谱的,甚至还有个MBA integrate with CFA,虽然要三年,但若您真的对财务有兴趣,应该选这个,网页上也讲了,有CFA 的MBA 在加拿大年薪有11.8 万刀,比没CFA 多2.6 万刀。课程选择跟扎实度也高MS 很多。不过还是要注意,小学校有些课根本开不成,所以必修有一半都是用seminar 来取代,这样会很不扎实。
David 李
[实习就业] 纠结是读MBA 还是MSc( 金融方向),人在加国,打算以后回国发展
人在加拿大Montreal,申请了concordia的MBA与MSc( 金融方向)。 MBA已经面试过,感觉应该没问题。MSc的offer应该也没问题。选这学校原因是学费便宜+家人在这,可以省点钱。
很大可能回国发展, 且还想回到家乡(三流省会城市)工作。 想从事金融行业,原因一,我觉得我擅长这块。 原因二,工作没太多应酬,不像做marketing的,这个你懂得,我女。原因三,家乡感觉除了那几个银行/证劵公司, 没啥好企业了。
MBA是这个学校最好的, 但也没上2012年财富100的榜啊。
MSc就更没名气了,不过它有一个专门的金融方向。但是疑问是 MSc全称是MSc in Adminstration, 方向是金融。如果选这个项目,人家HR认不认是金融专业啊? 国内的招聘对于专业这块还是很rigid的。比如企业管理,人家HR算管理,旅游管理,人家HR就当你是导游了。
不知您学术竞争力如何,就小弟当年参访Columbia MBA 时,两个互不熟识的华人学生竟然异口同声讲了同一句话:”Never sell yourself short.” 有能力的话就念排名好一点的学校,没有美国前二十也要前五十,不要因为便宜或离家近就选了,到时候不是薪资多少的问题,而是根本找不到工作等饿死。
真要念这间的话,MBA 看来是比较靠谱的,甚至还有个MBA integrate with CFA,虽然要三年,但若您真的对财务有兴趣,应该选这个,网页上也讲了,有CFA 的MBA 在加拿大年薪有11.8 万刀,比没CFA 多2.6 万刀。课程选择跟扎实度也高MS 很多。不过还是要注意,小学校有些课根本开不成,所以必修有一半都是用seminar 来取代,这样会很不扎实。
David 李
「免費講座」7/20 真實生涯管理之第一輪MBA申請 暨 年中升/轉職策略講座
真實生涯管理之第一輪MBA申請 暨 年中升/轉職策略講座
Kellogg, MIT Sloan, Duke Fuqua, HBS等商研所今年都將第一輪期限提早到九月!根據「MBA Application Strategy」一書的說法,第一輪名額與第二輪大致相同,各占45%。而每每聽到成功申請人的心路分享,都一再提到儘早準備,主要原因就是不要白白浪費了第一輪的寶貴機會,不要淪落到一窩蜂去申請第二輪,跟來自世界各地的大宗申請人擠破頭。然而,轉眼間已經來到七月中,即使對已經考完試的申請人來說,從現在開始自我探索、制定生涯目標、從而策略性編纂履歷表、選校,到撰寫及反覆修改Essay,在只剩不到兩個月的準備時間內,嚴峻的時間考驗將會比往年更苛刻!同時,今年的 Essay題目比往年更為抽象自由,以哈佛為首的招生委員們,推出了無字數限制的 無遠弗屆題型:“...Tell us your candidacy.”而其他學校如華頓、史丹佛也提出大哉問題型:“...What do you want to learn from Wharton?”及“What matters most to you?“與”Why Stanford, Really?“對絕大多數未受過指導的申請人而言,可以說是瞎子摸象。
「真實生涯管理之第一輪MBA申請 暨 年中升/轉職策略講座」
I: MBA生涯管理挖掘示範,與升/轉職策略解說
II: 對於已考取理想分數的申請人,如何剖析今年MBA申請時程,與個人品牌策略
III: 對於還沒考取理想分數的申請人,如何找出明確申請與考試動機,一舉考取理想分數,並該如何擬定申請時程與策略
報名方式:由於場地座位有限,請來信至 davidl@mbacareerfitter.com
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David 李
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