NSHMBA美國最大MBA徵才會 首位華人顧問
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“I've been admitted to Harvard Business School. Thank you!” - Ms. W
“I got in from Amazon!” - Ms. H
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簡單三步驟: 生涯三驅力,機會管理,個人品牌行銷
Monday Blue Buster 週一MBA生涯公益答疑日~
2008年2月27日 星期三
[Program Fitting]选出你心目中最喜欢的学校(每人三票)
In the U.S.
it's all about fit for your career
not about which one is the most popular
Every school here has its own strengths and specific differentiation
You can see in their mission statements from Deans
and take a deep look into their program designs
If you summarize the curriculum each school into one sentence
my personal interpretation is probably like this:
HBS is corporate restructuring and entrepreneurship
is well-balanced general management
Stanford is entrepreneurial general management
Kellogg is stratigic marketing management
Chicago is economic management
MIT is executional management science
Columbia is entrepreneurship and finance management
Ross is strategic management practices
Duke is fundamental general management with medical strength
Berkeley is environmental general management with tech
VirginiaDarden is quantitative general management
Dartmouth Tuck is strategic management with finance strength
NYU Stern is practical finance management
UCLA is entrepreneurial general management with tech and entertainment strengths
Cornell Johnson is analytical social management
Yale SOM is organizational management for managers
Austin McCombs is general management with accounting strength
USC Marshall is general management
LBS is strategic management
Insead is economic strategy management
IMD is leadership menegement
Queens is analytical strategic management
It's hard to vote the favorate 3
while finding the fit is the ultimate goal
[Career Explorer][讨论]如果是采购的话,有没有比较好的MBA项目(2)
不知道有没有采购背景申请MBA成功的范例呢? 有没有哪位了解,有哪些MBA项目可以选择~~
Also, different schools may have different catagories for procurement
some schools catogorize it in "logistics,"
some put it in "operation" if they don't have supply chain or logistics major.
some even put it in "Sales and Negotiation" and overlap with operation.
generally speaking, prioritize your searching for specialization by:
1. Logistics, (it's a more advanced classification within supply chain)
2. Supply Chain,
3. Operation Management
4. Sales & Negotiation
You can find these under "Curriculum" and then "Specialization" in every school
[Career Explorer]如果是采购的话,有没有比较好的MBA项目
不知道有没有采购背景申请MBA成功的范例呢? 有没有哪位了解,有哪些MBA项目可以选择~~
Generally procurement has lots to do with supply chain, operation, channel management, logistics, and negotiation.
Also a minor accounting and finance.
you need to know the overall framework of operation and supply chain,
lots of power and negotiation, as well as the concepts of economy of scale and finance, i.e. the time value of capital.
Sales and inventory management are related issues that you may need to co-manage with operation manager.
Teamwork skills and communication skills are constantly facilitated
Also the leadership to drive success in the net of cost structure.
Procurement is a common background for MBA applicants. Maybe fewer than other major backgrounds like planing and business development or consulting, but still common.
[Career Explorer]请大家帮我分析一下我的背景
我的背景如下,请大家帮我分析一下,是否有机会进入北美TOP20且以金融为方向的MBA项目。谢谢 (我打算申请09年开始的项目)
GMAT:720 / 4.5 (有点重考的打算,正在犹豫)
no necessity to retake GMAT
your experience is brilliant but way too young for top 20
there're several turning points need to be clarified in your career
why you took Spanish as your major instead of Economy
and what's the correlation among your major, minor, consulting experience, and your future career in finance?
why now? you made an assumption that other dimensions of life are subject to your mba study.
but the truth is not. Here I assume you're talking about your balance in family life.
You can see the typical student profile of any mba schools. A big portion of them build family at the same time or even earlier. Almost a half of mba students in Ross Business School bring their children.
You have quite unusual foreign experience that can make you stand out from the pack. It's not about how big your achievement is, but how deep the quality is and its meaning to your life.
The last one is the passion. Why finance? Is there anything in your personality or interests lead you to finance? Are you sensitive to money? Are you also good at numbers? Do you invest by yourself? make any profit? How do you manage your own money anyway?
There must be some triggers in your life to give you directions. Find them and leverage them well. It's not about getting into what mba, it's about your rest-of-life career.
As long as you can find out these answers, the fit schools will emerge by themselves.
then you can market yourself accordingly.
[Career Explorer]问一个有做sales和marketing的管培出去MBA的么
Sales and Marketing are almost the best start for real-world business
and hence are two of the most favorite fields for MBA track
since you'll have the training about the market insights
and also really immerse yourself into the customer interaction
You'll deeply understand the market reality and power negotiation
also you'll know how important CRM and brand management are
Everything in business builts on income cash flow
only when you experience the real-world sales and marketing processes
will you know the origin of the whole industrial value chain
and understand how to correlate all these elements to optimize the profit.
You can see the student body of almost every mba program
it's common to see around 20% are sales and marketing related background
2008年2月26日 星期二
[Career Explorer]多大岁数的MBA应该放弃投行、咨询梦?
See what happened in consulting industry this year
only 20+ fresh MBA got in BCG in Greater China
see how many consulting firms out there
and see how many people are applying mba every year
simply see how many members on this website
devide by the years it runs
the posibility is about 10 consultants out of 10,000 applicants
it's not about the age
it's about how competitive you are
and if you want to be a consultant
first thing is to be able to analyze yourself
analyze your own career
if you cannot handle your very own career
how can you analyze anything else?
[Career Explorer]What did I do Wrong!?
With the application increase this year, I am really losing hope on my chance to get in an MBA class of 2010. I know that my mainweakness is my GMAT i score high in quant and extremely low in verbal total to 650 and even worse I am an international student. But I thought i had good background 3.54 UG/currently 3.5yrs work exp in Brokerage firm in the US/ co manage a small manufacturer in Thailand/ and a couple volunteer experience that are actually meaningful to me as a person. Also I have a clear goal of where i want to be post MBA and my ultimate goal is to better lives of people in South East Asia thru my consulting firm and I thought they would look over my flaw for my unique background. BUT AGAIN....I got dinged from CHicago and Wharton ALREADY and now I wonder how will i make it at YALE, CORNELL, DARDEN, MIT, and DUKE???? I'm thinking of studying for gmat and get my score up to 730+ , but seriously guys, what are my chances of the rest of the schools I apply to? and Plus I cant reapply unless i know what i did wrong beside the GMAT part? This is costing me some serious money and heartache already hmmm Pls Advice!
You did nothing wrong, but frankly not in the main battle field. Even you get a 730 in GMAT, you're still not in the core competition since your work experience is still too weak compare to the almost-6-yr-in-average pool. Even a 9-yr may get a ding. GMAT is essential but not critical, instead it's your career path, the overall quality of essays for fit programs, and the deep touch of your life. Those extracurriculars are not like a check list but how you interpret the love of your life.
You have several key fields regarding your overall application package need to be improved, despite your GMAT score and work experience. First is your career objectives and the "fit" of an MBA program. The schools you applied are dramatically different in either their positionings or strengths. They reflect your career objectives and goals must be quite blur that the fit schools didn't emerge by themselves. This issue alone can fail you in any application.
Second is your myth. MBA is not a goal, it's a training process. The best schools have the most resources and highest quality faculty, but it doesn't mean you know how to use it. Harvard is a great title to make you a bigger chance to have interviews, but recruiters hire people because of you, not the school name.
Third is your competitiveness. If only 2 dings from those heaven schools can frustrate you like this, you might feel very lucky to be dinged. In those schools, every second is war. If you've been to Harvard, you'll feel the extreme tension starts from the sub station. You can sense a very uncomfortable atmosphere that about 3 people out of 10 don't dare to look at you in the eyes, even you're only a tourist. It's very clear that many of them their confidences are completely crashed by other extremely competent classmates. It's pretty easy to meet someone with full score GMAT or TOEFL on campus, or both, and others have Ph.D already or Olympic titles. Just walk through the cafe shop you'll see the case page they study is all in black that hundreds lines of notes. How can they get a 650 GMAT? It has to be 800!! If you're not from another planet also, don't even try to ruin your life. There're good reasons that recruiters like big titles, but also better reasons to hate them.
The last one is your attitude. Career competence is intrinsic that lies in your personality and your capabilities, not extrinsic from a school name or from a score. You perform extracurriculars for those needed people, not for a school admission. People success by themselves, not given by others. Schools have different positionings and it depends on which one is your true fit, also how smart you leverage it. People not from top schools don't need to die, instead they have better agility and flexibility that no need to compete with imposible rivals and have more time to focus on their own paths.
2008年2月25日 星期一
[Testimonial]感謝David Lee 李大衛 生涯諮商有機會interview with Google
Hello Ming , Thank you for taking the time to talk with one of our Google engineers! I have your phone interview scheduled based on the availability you gave to Marisa . Please plan for Bala to phone you at 602-516-XXXX. Your interview will last up to 45 minutes. Feel free to contact me via phone or email if you have questions, concerns or need this to be rescheduled! Please confirm receipt of this e-mail at your soonest convenience! -- Kirsty Henry Recruiting Coordinator Engineering Operations (Platforms) kirXXXX@google.com p: 650.214.XXXX f. 602-532-XXXX For more information on the Google recruiting and hiring process, take a look at www.youtube.com/google
[Program Fitting]MBA到底怎麼選校?(地區/學費/課程導向)..有介紹Top50商學院的書籍或網站嗎?
最近實在是有點confused 美國這麼多商學院.到底各位是怎麼選校的~ 即使我把目標鎖定在Top 50 還是不知道該從何了解他們各自的 校風/強項領域/教學特色/招生習性/提供給國際學生宿舍的比例等細項 我看網路上大多推薦US NEWS 出版的頂尖研究所書籍.. 但是想請問有看過的人分享.裡面大概是介紹些什麼ㄋ?會有我想知道的那些資訊嗎? (因為他是各科系都有..不知道對欲申請MBA的人受用程度如何) 拜託各位好心前輩順便分享一下你們選校重點/順序 的經驗好唄^^ 除了個別上學校的網站去探尋.有沒有其他書籍或是網站 會做個比較detail的介紹和比較ㄋ 小妹在此獻上無盡的感謝 x 100
simply put have your GMAT and TOEFL scores ready first
then you'll have a pretty focused range for less than 20 schools by cross-comparing 3 major ranking systems
BW, FT, and US News
then assess your career passion and capabilities in detail
and compare your specific needs with different currirula
the "fit" schools will emerge by themselves
if you're really focus enough
it should be less than 6 schools for your laser-focused career options
since every school has dramatic different positioning and unique strengths
after all these career requirements then it's time to select schools by regions, tuitions, weather...etc.
and when you're choosing schools
schools are also choosing you
it all lies in the best mutual fit to maximize your career value and the equity of the school
2008年2月23日 星期六
[Program Fitting]MBA 選校問題 Minnesota vs Colorado
諸位先進, 目前小弟申請的MBA結果都已經出來了,兩勝兩敗一和(WL) 這兩勝讓小弟陷入了難以抉擇的窘境 先介紹一下小弟的資歷資歷好了, 國立大學電機系畢業後因為不用當兵, 在IC設計公司累積了大約三年半當工程師(FAE)的經驗
小弟不是研發部門,工作的內容主要是幫客戶解決設計上問題, 所以也常常要跑客戶端,歸在行銷及業務部門 (PS.IC設計公司行銷及業務部門包含 1.技術支援 2.業務 3.行銷工程師)
在還沒知道第二勝之前,第一勝是一個USNEWS大約50多名的學校 那個時候覺得大概剩下的都沒希望了,所以也想好了之後的發展 1.暑假找有關半導體方面的Intern(包含台灣) 2.畢了業回台灣快樂的就業,作業務工程師或行銷工程師 我想這方向大致上沒啥問題,如果我想要轉換到其他領域的IC設計公司或許有點小難度(ex.手機相關=>電腦相關),不過在怎麼差小弟在本來自己的領域也認識很多人,找個年薪100來萬的工作應該不成問題
想不到就在不久前另一個USNEWS上約20多名的學校也通知小弟錄取了, 先不論一般人說的USNEWS idiot ranking,確實兩間學校在curriculum及對學生未來的積極度有很大的不同,這間學校在寄來的文件中已經開始Push學生要開始對自己畢業後的出路作規劃,跟第一間學校比起來差別不小,問題出在這是一間中西部的學校,我自己看畢業生的發展大部分也是在中西部上班,(可以看的出來是一間Regional的學校),假設這兩間學校的學費差不了多少也就算了,偏偏算起來,會差將近台幣80萬以上,這間應該會破300,第一間應該250以內就解決了
小弟目前看起來,要在這間中西部的學校找到小弟喜歡的工作機會應該不大(IC設計相關行業),假設回台灣的話,這兩間在小弟的產業大概也差別不大(聽說金融業有50門檻,但是就我的觀察,IC設計感覺不出來,除非是Harvard之類的..),所以真的頭很大不曉得自己的未來該往哪邊走,我相信這是一個很關鍵的選擇,有沒有前輩能給小弟指點迷津的,或是點破小弟看哪邊有想法的錯誤. 先謝!
回應板主: Minnesota vs Colorado 再補充一點,或許有人或覺得很奇怪,如果要走IC為什麼不去加州,當初Minnesota很吸引我的一點就是,它的exchange program有到慶應大學三個月(One semester),小弟的日文大概有二級的水準,希望藉這個機會更加磨練自己的日文.
absolutely Carlson
there're something $ can't buy
and something you can never earn it back
In the States, IT is one of common industries that doesn't require spcific core school list like IB or MC
but it does select dedicated and well-trained graduates from higher tier schools like Carlson
IT career is about marketing and general management
both fields Carlson's curriculum is more than twice completed and dedicated than Colorado Colorado's marketing is frankly quite weak that only have 5 courses to choose
most of the critical parts like Consumer Behavior, Market Research, CRM, Pricing, Channel Management, Brand Management are missing.
Instead, Carlson offers all these and really completed and sophisticated
In terms of management, Carlson is very strong in general management that the curriculum is well-balanced like a small Wharton
but you can see Colorado only has entry-level fundamentals, not much committed.
You learn what you pay for.
US$90k is a pretty average spending for a competitive MBA program in the U.S.
the US$20k difference is a very small amount that you can probably earn it back in half year after graduation
and you have much better chance to earn it back after a top 20 school
it'll be much harder if you're from a #50 school
the ranking is from 3 major criteria student satisfaction, academic excellence, and post MBA outcomes
there are good reasons for the ranks they deserved
the average salary in Carlson is US$10k higher than Colorado in almost every function
while Colorado is a pretty local school that 90% work in the same region
Carlson is gerenally nationally competitive with a very decent reputation and solid training
it's not about exchange program in anywhere else
you can't learn any language in 3 months
since most of us cannot master English after decedes of study
it's about the intensity and excellency of the program
and that's the bargaining power to gain an alignment with top school like Keio University
2008年2月21日 星期四
[Personal Branding]Stanford Application
I got your mail id from a chat forum on businessweek.......you offered to help a prospect there, and I too am one.....would you be willing to assess my chances of application to Stanford R2....have applied already, was just a little keen to show it to someone who'd give me an informed advice.....
Hi V,
Sorry I was quite busy yesterday. I read your package and would like to comment that you may have a 70~80% chance to get into Stanford GSB. As I interacted with Stanford's adcom last year in national MBA career fair, they positioned GSB as a general management school like a compact Harvard, not particularly entrepreneurial or high-tech. Of course they have major presense of super successful entrepreneurs and high-tech professionals, but it's because of the location and the regional environment, not by intention, according to the adcom.
You have some extraordinary achievements in several giant companies, lots of impressive extracurricular activities, especially flying, and you leveraged it as your major value in terms of "freedom." You also positioned yourself as an entrepreneur to match the aspirational entrepreneurship spirit in Stanford GSB. And obviously you'd read lots of novels that your essays were really splendid and attractive for adcoms to keep reading your stories. All of these were great advantages to your essay package.
However, your essays and stories were, not critically, but somewhat incomplete. While not only your stories, but also your career logic was a little bit vague. Your GPA, even not in the U.S. 4.0 system, could make adcom frown, either. Your 700+ GMAT can make up a bit for your academic capacity, but the break down matters that your V was only 35.
The essay materials you picked was majorly "freedom" and "entrepreneurship," also altruism to poverty. All of them were great, but the freedom part was not assertive enough. It worked well with your flying hobby but it was quite empty beyond this freedom value. You may need 1 to 2 steps deeper to fulfill this value with more progressive extension like "innovation" or "exploration" to achieve some goals ahead. You also need to correlate all these values with your career goals, and these goals should be lined up with a core theme that inevitably need the Stanford GSB. So far these values are saperated from each other.
The 3rd and 4th essays could go 1 step further, too. And the financial plan for poverty and be connected with the entrepreneurship one, while you need a clear and specific business plan for your entrepreneurial dream, or at least have a clear direction that you're already on your way. The 4th one was a bit pity that you could leverage the constraint to explain what and how will you leverage GSB.
But don't get discourged by any of these, you still have big chance. Overall, since you have pretty decent and solid experience, also quite well-rounded personality and interesting life, you should be able to get the interview, and may be blessed to have an admission if you correlate all the dots and ace in the interview.
[Program Fitting]Darden Vs. Duke - Which is better?
Hello....I've been having some serious insomnia at night trying to decide between Fuqua (with scholarship) and Darden. I wake up one day sure that I'm going to Duke and the next day that I'll be going to Darden.
Any thoughts on which school has a better finance program?
You can see the comparison of both finance courses. Darden is simply one-level more sophisticated and detailed.
Corporate Finance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Advance Corporate Finance
International Corporate Finance
Corporate Restructuring
Emerging Markets
Venture Capital & Private Equity
Raising Capital: Financial Instruments, Institutions & Strategy
Corporate Financing
Investment Strategy and Arbitrage
Entrepreneurial Finance & Private Equity
Fixed Income Instruments
Derivative Securities: Options & Futures
Managing Turnarounds and Workouts
Capital Market Flows & Institutions
Small-Enterprise Finance
Strategic Mgt of Financial Srv Org
Corporate Financial Policies
Mergers and Acquisitions
2008年2月20日 星期三
[Program Fitting]谁能比较一下duke vs. U of Virginia
谁能比较一下duke vs. U of Virginia
谁能比较一下duke vs. U of Virginia? 谢谢。
Dardan is top 10 B-school in the U.S. and is one of the most important core schools in management consulting and investment banking industries.
it's highly regarded in top consulting firms like McKinsey and investment banking like Goldman Sach, Morgan Stanley and others in Wall Street.
Darden's curriculum is also more committed in MBA program design, more sophisticated and well-rounded in general management, leadership, marketing communication, and finance management.
Entrepreneurship is a solid new highlight with deep commitment.
Strongly well-connected across multidisplinary management strategy and tactics.
Emphasize on quantitative analysis and consulting tools.
Case study is one particular highlight, but it depends on personal taste.
you can see the commitment when faculty explain the details of program design in 2nd-yr.
Duke is strong national school, generally ranked around 20. Emphasize on teamwork.
Good general management but a bit less sophisticated than Darden.
Particularly strong in bio-tech and medical industry.
Some people believe Fuqua is a great marketing school since lots of health sector giants have strong preference for Fuqua graduates.
[Career Explorer]帮老公求助。37歲CFO 500強要念美國MBA還是中歐?
1. 去美国读好的BSCHOOL的MBA意义大吗?
2. 难度大吗(如果GMAT大概就670左右)?
3. 中欧是否可以选择下?OR 欧洲?
37 is still a decent age for full-time U.S. MBA.
no particular physical struggle if you see the MBA age profile, almost 10% U.S. MBA students are in your age. The MBA studying is even tougher than GMAT preparation, and it's 2-long years.
GMAT capacity depends on personal intelligence and learning efficiency. A bunch of materials on this website for GMAT takers.
If your husband is already a CFO in a Fortune 500 company, why he still needs an MBA?
It depends on what's next for his career.
The only thing in his career should be to even broaden his global capacity, then a U.S. MBA should be more helpful, in terms of a more global economy, international language fluency, global scope of finance expertise, and a more competitive business training.
CEIBS is the best MBA program in China, so if you want to stay in the regional market, it's absolutely the choice. But it still depends on how competitive is his scores and application package.
EMBA is for senior executives with more than 10 years enterprise administration experience. So far your husband is frankly too young for that.
[Program Fitting]Choosing Between $s and Fit
I'd like to get everyone else's opinion on choosing between being accepted at one school that fits perfectly with my career goals, personality, and personal situation, and one that is a good fit in all these categories (but not nearly as perfect as the first) and that has offered me $s.
Some examples to help the discussion might be Sloan vs. Columbia w/ $, Kellogg vs. Ross w/ $, Tuck vs. Fuqua w/ $
Half tuition is although a big incentive, it's almost only your half-year salary if you go to the very top school. Compare to your whole rest-of-life career, half year is nothing. It always goes to your true fit and passion if the very top school can offer. And if you can get offers from these very top schools, making $ is only a piece of cake while your career is half-guaranteed.
Kellogg is one of the absolute top schools that can make your career thrive even higher. Ross and Fuqua are of course great, but Kellogg is something $ can't buy. And that's the power that Kellogg doesn't need to offer scholarship that often to vie for brilliant talents like you guys.
[Personal Branding]面试官说2周就给我答复,是好事还是坏事?
No special meaning on this timing issue
adcom cannot make any decision only base on interview
all applications need to go through the whole reviewing process
The notification timeframe is only a general guideline.
[Program Fitting]KFBS v. McCombs - Which rep is better?
They go head to head in rankings, but in the real world who has the better national rep and for financial services, which will get me the better job?
It depends on your career path. Both schools are well-rounded in general management, while McCombs is superior in accounting and KF is particularly strong in marketing management.
McCombs is now heading toward general management field and had pretty good improvement in marketing, but it's core competence remains in accounting.
KF emphasizes on teamwork with strong team building practices and collaborative culture that invites your family and friends to join KF community.
Since these 2 schools are pretty close in rankings, what really matters is not the rankings anymore but the detail curricula. When you see the finance concentrations under both mba programs, neither of them are strong in this field. McCombs is very generic that hits on fundamental theories and overall strategy like risk, investment approaches, real estate, and portfolio management. KF also have those courses and knocks a bit more detailed like derivatives, modeling, M&A, and private equity. But compare to those core finance schools, these 2 are in minor side.
Both schools are nationally competitive but have totally different positioning and core strengths. It depends on your own career goals. And no one can guarentee you a job. Only your own passion and capabilities can.
2008年2月18日 星期一
[Program Fitting]问个学校,纽约城市大学如何啊?CUNY
纽约众大学中有三大系统:私立,州立,与市立私立有超强牛校如哥大NYU,也有排在州立与市立后面的学校而除了私立名校外综合来说州立又较市立学校好州立名校有四大: Buffalo,Albany, Stony Brook,及Binghamton 市立大学也一堆,但就属CUNY最有名CUNY若要讲MBA 是综合性基础管理课程选择不像州立学校那么多, 课程设计的深度也主要以入门概念式教学为主适合刚工作一两年的基础商学训练就自身内部课程比较财务稍比营销来的见长财务相关校友也多主要是地利优势在纽约市因此财务人士居多学费与课程价值而言不像前面学校那般高效能一门课四学分没修几门就毕业念的快出来也快GMAT大约600~650左右就能进去就读
[Career Explorer]有必要换工作吗? (v)
[Program Fitting]Choices: what to do?
I need some advice. I've been accepted to two schools. One is a low Tier 1 / high Tier 2 program that is fairly selective, and the other is a mid/low tier 2 program that is a bit less selective. I'm struggling to decide which one to pick because of several factors. If I based my decision on ranking alone, I would pick the Tier 1/Tier 2 school. But I am also taking into account the cost of attending, which is much higher for the higher ranked school, and the surrounding atmophere, for which the lower ranked school has the edge.Because the tier 1/2 school is expensive, I would have quite a bit of debt after graduating from there. The lower ranked school is much more affordable and I wouldn't have any debt after attending. Both schools have good programs, with the tier 1/2 school being a bit stronger. What do you think I should do? Go with the higher ranked school and take on the debt, or the lower ranked school in the better environment and graduate debt free?
As an MBA program consultant and career manager, pretty much agree with Socovich that a good school brand can not only attract better faculty, resources, talented students, networking or recruiters, but also the commitment in the academic environment will be much higher and tougher that students and faculty are more dedicated to more competitive business expertise. Better guest speakers, better consulting clubs and entrepreneurial clubs with stronger funding, better program design...etc.
And Venture Capital, which is critical to entrepreneurs with very limited time, will also spend more time and $ on better opportunities created by more committed communities. 85K is a pretty average spending on MBA investment. Think about it, how good can it be if an MBA program only charges you 25K?? The faculty and facilities must be really low quality if you see the average salary of b-school professors.
It's not a big deal to have a 85K debt from a decent school, it'll only be your starting salary on the 1st yr if you have such a competitive training and good school name. Besides, almost a half of students are in the same boat, you'll see students with higher dept will naturally commit deeper in studying since they know they have to face the reality right after school. You'll earn it back fairly soon after a more competitive training and a good school title.
Although you have the entrepreneurial dream, normally it's fairly hard to start your own business right after your school. You might need a job to buffer your long-term plan, and start your business a couple of years later. Then your first job after school will be critical. You'll have a much better chance when you've been through a more competitive training, while the school name really matters when you're seeking a job.
[Program Fitting]BW ranking criteria
Louis Lavelle, the B-schools editor at BusinessWeek, asked me to post this message to you:
From Associate Editor Louis Lavelle, who overseas the b-school rankings at BusinessWeek:
Phear_me is under the impression that we used the difference between pre-mba salary and post-mba salary as part of our ranking methodology. We didn't. The data was presented in a table for information purposes only. The rankings themselves are based on only three measures--the student survey, an academic quality score (six equally-weighted measures: average GMAT score, average work experience, percentage of tenured faculty, average class size in core business classes, number of electives available to part-time mba students, and the program's completion rate) and a measure of post-MBA outcomes (% of students who say their program was "completely" responsible for them achieving their goals, whatever those goals may be).
Also, the argument that NYU should be ranked higher than it was because it gets students with high GMAT scores (which contribute only 5% of the final ranking) is ridiculous. You can always point to one thing about one school and say "see...that proves the rankings are ridiculous." But this isn't about one thing--it's about the whole Part-Time MBA experience--the quality of the students attending the program, the classroom experience, post-graduation outcomes...everything. And when it comes right down to it there were 24 other schools that did better than NYU using that yardstick. In fact, if I were constructing a ranking based on one metric, GMAT scores would NOT be it. They measure one thing and one thing only--how good students attending each program are at taking tests. If you want to know the true value of a program you don't look at the raw material going in, you look at the finished product going out.
Phear_me is entitled to his opinion, but if the conclusion that BW's rankings lack credibility is based on incorrect assumptions (the use of salaries in the methodology) and misguided analysis (high GMATs equals great school) he/she needs to rethink that conclusion.
[Program Fitting]Thunderbird
Hi there, could nybody explain me why Thunderbird employment stats are so low? It seems that less then 50% of graduated students can find a job... How's that??thanks a lot!
TB grad here. 1st is that most of students go back to their home countries.
2nd and the most interesting reason is in this small campus, you meet friends from everywhere in the world, so there's a tradition that the first 3 months after graduation, lots of graduates go somewhere to visit their friends in Thailand, Czech Republic, China, Taiwan, Italy, Nigeria, Ukraine, France...etc.
3rd reason is the VISA issue that most of the U.S. companies don't sponsor H1B VISA to foreigner graduates, while this is the most diverse school in the U.S. that about a half are foreigners.
4th reason is even the other half of Americans, they're not typical Americans that they worked outside the U.S. before studying here, lots of them can even speak Mandarin! Lots of them're seeking jobs outside the U.S. after graduation, too. And of course after the travel tradition.
[Personal Branding]申請前20大MBA,GPA 2.9 問題一問! (v)
Dear all, 我這樣問其實不是很好,希望各位見諒!
根據成功幫助眾多大學GPA<3的個案拿過Top 20 MBA獎學金的經驗,有研究所GPA遠高過大學GPA就夠了!
疫情前一切都要有GMAT之後再說。誰都是target 700,但target就只是target。
而要想上Top 20 MBA名校,推薦信必須要相當紮實。
2008年2月15日 星期五
[Program Fitting]Some second tier schools
those of you looking towards II tier schools I want some info about UIUC, Wisconsin-Madison, OSU-Fisher, BU-SOM, Babson, Rice, Iowa-Tippie. My target is general management, technology management and from that management consultancy. How good are the prospects out there? My estimation about UIUC has been very high - the teaching quality is superb with heavy research on management science and the strong engineering department would be ideal for entrepreneurs.
Some schools here are 3rd-tier. But all these schools have totally different positioning and program design.
UIUC is great at accounting, improved in the well-roundedness of finance, marketing and operation. Its fundamentals in 1st-yr is really tailored to prepare a critical-thinking manager step by step. General Management is multidisciplinary while fucus on soft human skills and decision process. Have good IT focus.
Fisher is a great marketing and logistics school that plugs in the whole value chain, from market side to operation side. Finance is good.
Madison is more academic-oriented with lots and lots of research centers. The curriculum is quite similar to that of BU that focues more on fundamental disciplines, a better fit for entry-level learnings. ASAP program for stock analysis is more dynamic, Operation is pretty detailed and HR focus is a big specialty.
Babson is specifically for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. The program is overwhelming that so dynamic and realistic for real entrepreneurs and simply provides you everything you need for literally any field of small to medium business.
BU SOM is quite a general management program, broad and fundamental, have technology involvement but not deep. Put lots of energy on managerial communications.
Rice is more a management consulting program that particular good at strategic consulting and energy industry. Marketing is good.
IOWA is a pretty balanced general management program, a bit academical but still practical. Marketing, finance, and service operation are good.
UMN Carlson is a great general management school in 2nd-tier.
The curriculum is very balanced just like Wharton.
[Personal Branding]Interview Resume: Chicago GSB
Is a one page resume better? I have had 4 jobs and an independent consulting experience, so a one page will not be possible without some compromises, but at the same time I am confused whether a 1.5 page resume will look unprofessional.
Any comments are welcome!
Yes. The format matters. As a former scholarship committee for continuing students in the U.S. B-School, reading dozens of application packages was an exhausted daily job that even have no more energy to flip your resume to the 2nd page. We generally assume you have only one page, it means you can express yourself efficiently, unless you have really extensive experience that more than 15 years. Even a 16-year or a 22-year veteran can make it.
If you have a less than 8 years experience but need more than 1 pager to express your career, it may be treated as an ineffective communicator that both get deducted in your format score and quality score.
[Career Explorer]留學的時間順序排程問題?誰先誰後呢?
爬文許久,我很明確的知道自己未來要到美國唸研究所,拿MBA in Finance或 MS in Finance[/quote]
and how?
很簡單 補習只是小投資習可以先補 真槍實彈考過一次以後就知道以後未來如何進步
先補過習知道方向 真實考過知道這巨獸到底有多龐大以後(遠遠超乎你任何想像)
才大三 還要當兵
[quote="kksean"] (1.)該先工作兩年再出國拿碩士?如前所言,我自己是唸財金的,未來也不打算轉行,[/quote]
how do you know?
[quote="kksean"] 出了國還是要念MBA in Finance 或 MS in Finance。 [/quote]
again, how do you know?
[quote="kksean"]這兩種學位幾乎都要求兩年以上的工作經驗才有希望進入TOP100排名的學校, [/quote]
not necessarily
but do you know why?
[quote="kksean"]但怕自己退伍後工作了兩年,又花了一年做留學補習班的全職學生以及申請學校,到了出國時自己已年紀26左右,唸完兩年碩士又在學成後留美實習一年,全套結束都邁入29歲了,重新投入職場是否已嫌太老? [/quote]
why why why
it's impossible to plan all these in 10 yr advance
career is a trial-and-error process
the only thing you can do is test your passion again and again
then change accordingly
who told you you need an advanced degree anyway??
work first, then you'll find out if you need it or not
probably you need it, then you need an evidence
probably you don't, and you need an evidence, too
don't mass up with your career by an imaginary planit's only an imagination.
there's no plan at all.
don't draw by any imaginationand
you need to know why through evidence.
[quote="kksean"]三、拿到學位也實習一年結束後,爭取長期留在美國工作有可能嗎?學校要排名TOP10? TOP50? TOP100?多少排名以內有機會? [/quote]
no need to discuss now
[quote="kksean"]四、秋季班?春季班?該考的都考完後,什麼時候(幾月)開始進行申請步驟呢? [/quote]
no need to discuss now
[quote="kksean"]五、3.0上下的GPA對申請TOP100或TOP50的學校夠用嗎? [/quote]
no need to discuss now
[quote="kksean"] 自己大一大二成績平均起來GPA只有二點多但趨勢是持續上揚,從大三以後GPA站上三點多,雖然目前只能盡力把在學成績盡力拉高,但先問問這樣還有希望進入TOP50或TOP100?[/quote]
you need to perform for yourselfnot for anyone else.
besides, no need to discuss now
Sorry to be cynical, but the world is simply not like what you imagine.
It's good to plan in advance
but not to over-plan
every single matter can change your life significantly
all you can do is to experience your life as broad as possible
and accomodate your career goals day by day.
hold your U.S. study thoughs until you can prove you need it
go to work 4 years later first
and find out the evidence what you can do and should do
test your passion if it's really finance
or else.
You never know until you do it for months and years
Some people don't even need an advanced degree
if you need it, you need to know why
only yourself can bear the responsibility for your career
for your 2-yr life
and for the investment.
[Personal Branding]Chicago interview
David, Thanks a million for your help.
Saw several of your answers to others' questions, really helpful.
I will take the Chicago interview. In answering the interview quesions about Why Chicago, how do you think if I repeat some part of my written essay, such as flexible curriculum, the entrepreneurship program related to my career goals or the analytical strength?
Do you mind sharing with me your MSN? I really appreciate your reply and help!
Best wishes to your life and work in the New Year!
You definitely need to correlate with your essay materials, while everything should be guided by your career objectives, which derived from your passion and personality. And you need to extend much deeper from your written materials, let the adcom knows you're well-prepared and strongly focus on where you're going.
You need to link both your short-term and long-term goals, and this path from where you are now will inevitablely need the irreplaceable Chicago GBS.
Flexible curriculum is ok, but it's only an open option for students, it doesn't necessarily help you on any specific purpose. Instead, you need to tell them which part of curriculum you need and why (for your career goals specifically,) and if your career goals need their resources like entrepreneurship program and analyticals, correlate the relationship among your objectives and tell them why.
Good luck and best wishes
2008年2月14日 星期四
[Personal Branding]拿到UCLA面试,求助!(v)
準備在北京做alumnus interview. 有什麼需要注意的地方?
再來只要將目標技能與現有技能相減,就會自然出現Why UCLA,因為當初選校時,應該就是要照這個技能缺口來比對學校,然後發現這些所欠缺的技能只有UCLA及其他少數有提供,才會來申請這些學校。
[Personal Branding]两个问题 关于duke面试的作用
Dear XXX
Thank you for your interest in Duke. We received your official TOEFL report in time. If you are invited to interview with one of our alumni, I will send you an individual email bythe end of my day tomorrow, Tuesday, February 12.
If you do not receive an email invitation to interview, it means that we were not able to accommodate your request. Please know that as interviews are not required for admission, your application is not adversely affected by a lack of interview. The information that we askof appli cants in your application is sufficient for the admissions committee to make a decision. At this time, no decisions have been made on any applications.
All decisions for round 2 applicants will be released on March 7, 2008,and you can expect to receive your admission decision on that date.
Best regards,
Katie Madison
想问两个问题1)有没有参加了round1面试,但被拒或waitlist 的么?2)有没有没参加过面试却被录取的人呢
ie“your application is not adversely affected by a lack of interview.”就是不理解额居为何特别说明这句
[Personal Branding]哈佛的ESSAY
诸位前辈,想讨教关于申请哈佛MBA的ESSAY,特别是如何强调LEADERSHIP。 哪里可以看看过往牛人们写的ESSAY吗?
Testimonial 7
謝謝大衛的熱情分享, 有問必答, 有忙必幫, 全力協助解決每個人的疑難雜症. 很多時候自己看不到的盲點, 在別人的眼裡卻是非常的清楚! 昨晚藉由閒聊的方式, 大衛引導大家透過一步步抽絲剝繭的問答方式, 從中發掘自己的motivation與core competence, 這樣的方式不僅是申請學校, 對於尋找工作也很有幫助.
Testimonial 6
大衛的說明真的很精彩....很明顯感覺得出來他對這方面的passion 經過整個討論後,對我最大的收穫,主要在如何去重視與發掘自己內心的聲音,加上david的多家學校特性說明,可以讓我在apply的路上感覺更清楚、更具體了些。 畢竟MBA是個工具,但必須首先真實面對自己的性格、興趣,進而利用這個工具讓自己發光發熱,甚至樂在工作、樂在生活.. 真的是蠻棒的一次經驗啦。
Testimonial 5
大衛講座太精采啦! 我找到了自己最想要生涯規劃 了解到寫essay的盲點 大衛也給了我很多其他的建議和靈感 很感謝大衛無私的熱情分享^^
Testimonial 4
MIT applicant
傷心咖啡店 首頁 -> 美洲留學相談室
發表於: 2006-10-04 15:30 文章主題: [分享]與大衛閒聊後有感
眾所皆知,大衛在版上的熱心是有目共睹,我也在GMAT中的RC版獲益良多, 在面臨出國申請學校的繁雜手續及忙不完的ESSAY中,我厚著臉皮向大衛請益,雖然他的課業繁忙,但還是願意跟我分享他的申請經驗.
[Sharing]After talking to David
MIT applicant
Everybody knows, David is enthusiastic on the website and well-recognized, I also gained a lot from his reading technique for GMAT exam. Facing the miscellaneous application process and ever-lasting essay writing, I asked for David’s help as a stranger. Even though he was busying on his MBA academy, he was still willing to share his application experience.
I was confident of my experience and academy power, and my scores were pretty competitive, but I always felt something missing in my essay package. After talking to David, I have to strongly recognize him that his delicate sense about details helped me figure out the missing part, although it was not a big deal to us, those elements may mean significantly to Westerners. At the mean time, I figured out the cultural intelligence can make great difference on applications.
I believe lots of competitive applicants are facing the same obstacles as I did, without application agencies, it was really helpless in the dark. Although I enjoyed the application process, but just like lots of “celebrity applicants” on the website, the application process is an examination of your life to date. While I was also worried about what if I fail? I suggest self-applicants seeking help from experts who studied MBA themselves to revise your application package, and I believe it’ll greatly help on your cultural intelligence.
Finally, I have to thank David for your great help, and treat you a beer party, I owe you one.
Testimonial 3
申請經驗分享+對傷咖及大衛李的感謝 (06~07)
Profile: GMAT 710 Work experience: 5 yrs (2yrs military), last was PM in a high-tech company
申請結果: 2006~2007 second round Admitted: Indiana University – Bloomington (Kelley) --- Accept offer
Ohio State University (Fisher) University of Minnesota – Twin Cities (Carlson)
Rejected: University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (Ross) Duke University (Fuqua) University of Texas – Austin (McCombs)
感覺申請上競爭比前一年(06)激烈,不過還是能申請到各方面都很均衡的Kelley 申請過程中最困難的(除了GMAT…)就是選校及Essay撰寫了,我並沒有找代辦,我認為傷咖的許多文章討論對我幫助非常大,節省很多摸索時間,但是我要特別感謝"大衛"(davidlee), 大衛在課業繁忙中仍熱心抽空幫助我! 簡單來說選校及Essay撰寫就是圍繞著”Fit”,在進入Kelley這幾週以來,我越來越能夠體會大衛當初再三提醒Fit的重要性,大衛當初對Kelley的認識,也非常的正確 大衛也幫助我釐清許多申請的迷思,幫助我了解各校的資源強弱,讓我順利錄取理想的學校 David, you are really exceptional!!! 心得: FIT真的非常重要! 建議多思考自己的興趣結合可以提供資源的Program, 並和校友請教該校的文化及學校發展方向 祝大家都能申請到”FIT”的學校!
Testimonial 2
UT-Austin (Accounting #1), UIUC (scholarship, Accounting also #1), UT-Dallas (scholarship)
傷心咖啡店 首頁 -> 行銷與顧問專案討論區
發表於: 2006-03-25 08:20 文章主題: Admitted by UT-Austin--感謝David顧問教室
話說我只是申請MPA,沒想過要請留學顧問-又貴又沒用 就自己搞了許久 但SOP始終搞不定.. 一直在版上有看到David的文..想想這人講話有時候還蠻機車的. 不如請他給個建議好了..應該會一針見血.. 眼看David就要飛出去了 終於提起勇氣就請這個陌生男子幫忙.. David先讓我填了張問卷,然後看問卷再問我問題.. Why MPA? 這個問題我也思考過許多次..因為很多人問我Why not MBA? 在跟David聊過後 堅定我選擇MPA的心,也對未來理出個方向... 再來就是改SOP了,關於順序跟表達的方式 David幫了許多忙 當然我最後還是有請在國外的人潤稿,但基本上比我的原版精簡多了(UIUC只要三百字) 我一直對自己沒信心..覺得 Austin大概是白繳錢的..沒想到居然上了.. 總共申請四家UIUC, UT-Austin, UT-dallas, Texas A&M TAMU沒上. 其他都上了 ~~感謝David~~
Admitted by UT-Austin—Thanks for David’s consulting session
UT-Austin (Accounting #1), UIUC (scholarship, Accounting also #1), UT-Dallas (scholarship)
I was about to apply MBA, never thought about hiring agencies, waste money and useless, then I did it by myself for a long while, I still couldn’t fix my Statement of Purpose (SOP).
I always read David’s articles on the website, and this guy was quite outspoken, why not asking for his help? It should be very sharp and to the point.
While David was about to study abroad, I finally encouraged myself to seek help from David.
David first asked me to fulfill the Career Assessment Sheet, and then asked me “Why MPA?” while reading it. I thought about this question many times, because others always asked me “Why NOT MBA?” After consulting with David, I made up my mind to study MPA, and figured out my career path.
Later, I revised my SOP and consulted David about sequence and presenting my idea, and of course I asked someone oversea to review my materials, but it was basically much concise than my original draft. (UIUC required only 300 words.)
I was always not confident of myself, and I thought applying UT-Austin was a waste of my money…but I got admitted!
I applied for four schools, UIUC, UT-Austin, UT-Dallas, and Texas A&M. I only missed TAMU, and got admitted by other three schools.
~Thank you, David~
[Career Explorer]版上前辈帮忙看下职业规划
营销,会计财务,供应链,生产管理,Project Management,Managerial Communication, Leadership...等等课程
将可训练您成为Tachnical Manager.
又由于大陆近年崛起, 职缺大增
[Program Fitting]诚心指教,能申请到什么学校
国内小本top10 电子工程,IBM两年工作经验,主要是供应商管理. GMAT 700; 4.0 TOEFL ibt 104. GPA 3.0
今年申请了HKU的MSF,但还不知道能不能申到; 自己的目标是想转行做IB.
年龄也不小了,希望牛牛们能给点意见; 如果考不上的话,明年考美国的几个比较靠前的 msf program可行吗? 还是应该直接申请MBA更容易转投行? 还是应该再工作几年申比较靠前的MBA.....困惑不安中....
对于IB core schools Wharton, Chicago, Columbia, Darden, NYU, MIT...etc.都算够
为什么会从IT supply chain转向IB
有哪些passion & capabilities让您想往IB产业发展
因为要知道整体management structure
[Program Fitting]Fuqua vs. Ross
I'm looking for a top Brand Mgmt position once I finish my Marketing degree in school. I've been accepted to both Ross and Fuqua R1(still waiting to hear back from Kellogg R2). Any advice btw Ross and Fuqua for Marketing assuming I do not get accepted to Kellogg??
Stats: African American...High GMAT/ High GPA/ Comp Sci
When you're looking for top brand management position, since these two programs are pretty close as top schools, the program design matters but not ranking anymore.
The really successful brand managers need to satisfy customers from their bottom of heart, create loyalty and word-of-mouth to constantly generate profit, then grow your brand portfolio that match your business vision.
So you need to know consumer behavior and extract insignts from market intelligence, develop the right product features that satisfy their demands with right pricing, communicating them the right messages, then create loyally repurchasing pattern that generates sustainable profit to support your brand out of fierce competition.
The key courses that prepare you as a top brand manager are Brand Management, Customer Insignts, Market Research, Product Development, Pricing, Channel Management, CRM, Marketing Communications & Advertising, Marketing Strategy & Corporate Strategy, Sales & Forcast, Negotiation. Then depending on your specific industry, channel, or region, you might need Tech Marketing, B2B marketing, Service Marketing or International Marketing Management. Then the last and most significant challenge is how well can you manage the logistic and operation support.
Now see what these two schools offer. Ross offered Strategic Brand Management, but Fuqua doesn't have any brand management courses. It'll be a significant drawback if you learn all others but couldn't correlate all these efforts into a consistent brand theme.
So see what other courses they've got. Obviously Ross has much deeper and sophisticated program design that has Consumer Behavior, Customer Asset Management, Co-Create Value with Customers, Market Research Design & Analysis, Pricing Strategy & Tactics, Ad Management, Innovation & New Product Development, Distribution Strategy, Supply Chain Management. One special course is Leavraging industrial Design for Marketing Advantage that may make your brand stand out by highly customized value chain.
Of course Fuqua also has pretty well-rounded course selection for marketing, but it's clearly for Product Manager and Market Research Managers, not for Brand Managers. You cannot see the detailed and dynamic design like Ross. Fuqua has Consumer Behavior, Market Intelligence, Marketing Strategy, Product Management, Pricing, MarCom, CRM, Tech & Health Mktg, Distribution and Supply Chain. But a bit generic that not as specific as Ross
[Career Explorer]Ding dong ding :( (2)
770/Indian/M/26/3+ WE/Decent Community service/academically strong profile/extra-currics great till college - dinged at Wharton/Stanford/Chicago/Harvard - without even an interview!!! :) hoping to make it this year to a few of the other programs...
Am sure of what i'd want to do but not to the granularity (nature of consultancy etc) outlined - flexible and open to that extent. Also, need to marry fitment with long as well as short term goals... :)
The fundamental way to find out your career fit is to examine your every turning point in your career. Find out the consistency or pattern, find out what exactly did you think at each point, you chose a job but not b job because of what specific issues, and what job content you really like vs what you really don't. Is the consulting job itself exciting to you? or the high salary motivates you? Since it lies in your nature that if you have consulting eyes, it should not be hard to tell the adcom your observation and analysis about the trend, or it's also easy to analyze your career and schools.
Another way is to find out your motivation. People's minds are subject to inertia like normal objects, there's a balance power in everyone's mind. Find out what power is pushing you in what direction, you can find it out by speaking to your friends and family, or sometimes you can figure out by listening to yourself in recorder. Sometimes the motivation is in disguise that you need to discompose that into smaller pieces, then you'll see how they lined up and why exactly you want to go to these top schools.
You can see from those greatest essays which got admissions into the schools you're targeting, almost all of them had done this process, and that's why those talented people can write so deeply about their lifes and line it up from the beginning.
2008年2月13日 星期三
[Career Explorer]What can i do now
I am a Chinese student , study at a characterless university and Computer Science is my major. Teacher give me C language, C++ language ,Assemble language and many other language like these to learn. I assuredly have learnt a lot about computer basic science, but after two years' studying on this major I find I have lost myself at school at studying.I nerver have any spirit that i have had in my high school period in studying my major.I still don't know why for the sterile class or for other ? I think have to give up my major now and find another that can give me the spirit i want to have.What can i do now?
if you're not passionate in the field anymore, it'll be meaningless to have that degree, and the degree itself might even restrain you from other desired opportunities.
Find out your passion for life, and pursue it persistently.
[Career Explorer]plz help
hey...... i am in my second year of graduation, pursuing hospitality mngm. from RMI, affiliated by Thames Valley University, London (one of the best schools for HM in U.K.). I want to know whether my college will be considered when i aplly for an MBA in any UK/US B-school (as it is affiliated by a foriegn university with its campus in India and the degree is not recognized by AICTE, Indian government but recognized globally). I have 1 year work exp. with Hilton group of hotels as a trainee and has 6 months w/e in a call centre and in a cargo trading company. I also did 20 weeks of charity and have won a lot of cerificates for cricket, drama and various other extracurricular activities. I wish to appear for the GMAT in my fourth year (2008) and get more w/e after giving my GAMT as we can apply on the basis of five year old scores. I'll be grateful to you if you can help me in any way and tell me from your experience that whether or not i'm going in a right direction and what else is there that i need to do.......????
Simply work at least 2 years longer. So far you only have preliminary work exp that has very limited inspiration on your managerial capacity.
Don't worry about your school name as long as it's a internationally recognized.
You have great opportunity if you're passionate in hospitality industry since you got a decent degree in the field and a prestigious training program in the field. Also you have the front-line customer relationship management experience in a call center. The only thing is why you transferred to a less related cargo industry. And why you want to pursue an MBA in this timeframe.
You also need to depict why you dedicated in charity activities and what's the meaning of those certificates for your career or for your life. Then find out what's the relevance to the MBA program.
Find out your career passion, set up your career objectives, find out the gap between ideal and now, the the fit MBA programs will emerge by themselves.
[Program Fitting]Ding dong ding :(
770/Indian/M/26/3+ WE/Decent Community service/academically strong profile/extra-currics great till college - dinged at Wharton/Stanford/Chicago/Harvard - without even an interview!!! :) hoping to make it this year to a few of the other programs...
It depends heavily on your career goals, and what part of MBA you need.
You are a bit too young compare to the majority of students in these schools. They have 5~6 yr exp on average.
Although your GMAT score is really high, you need convince adcoms where's your managerial potential to allow you study in such competitive programs now. Probably you're fast-tracker that you achieve the comparable scope with those 6 yr exp mgers.
Also, these four schools have totally different positioning that Wharton is conglamerate management with superior consulting, Standford is innovative and entrepreneurial corporate management, Chicago is corporate strategy and quantitative economy consultancy, where as Harvard is corporate restructuring and intrapreneurship.
You need to find out your career direction and passion first, then the fit schools will emerge by themselves. Then do the personal marketing on essays.
[Program Fitting]McCombs Vs USC Marshall
My friend has been accepted at both, McCombs and USC Marshall. He is in Sapient as a tech consultant and wants to be in tech marketing. Please let me know which school would be better with your reasons. I appreciate...thanks
A:It's a pretty close call here. Generally McCombs ranks slightly higher than Marshall, and student body is also very similar with 5-year experience. A half of McCombs graduates works in investment and finance field, with very decent 90,000+ salary. This should be one of the critical reason for better ranking than Marshall.
McComb is a supreme #1 accounting school, while quite balanced in general management. Some improvement in marketing field this year that they now have brand management course which used to be absent. Quite generic in marketing strategy whereas Marshall is more detailed in marketing communication and execution.
In terms of finance, McCombs is not bad that offers general finance cources, but Marshall offers larger selection in this field. This is the blind spot that the rankings cannot measure the qualitative sophistication and completeness of course offering.
Marshall is now more dedicated in entrepreneurship development that is the trend of the most competitive programs are now heading.
So it really depends on what's your friend's career path in future.
[Program Fitting]請教一下這樣的分數跟經歷
GMAT只有610+3.5 TOEFL PBT 623+4 工作經驗 義務役排長1.8 yr 某美商記憶體模組公司senior engineer 5 yr 推薦人:直屬老闆+日本記憶體大廠客人 這樣還有資格申請第三輪嗎??真的很怕但是很想再申請前知道一下機率 我是希望能到30~60deadline 還沒到的學校
有 頂多只是分數問題 大約是40~70名左右的學校 這樣的AT分數要進40以上有一定難度
[Career Explorer]對不起,我有些問題想要請問一下?
我現在還沒考AT跟Toefl, 而我的工作經驗有兩年然後就跑去考研究所, 大學念的是交大,研究所念的是台大, 都是電資方面的而現在準備在工作兩年, 但是我大學的GPA分數很低,可能不到3吧, 原本打算研究所是出國念,誰知道體檢後要當兵, 所以也就一邊工作一邊等體檢,所以大學畢業的那兩年 就不是在甚麼大公司上班。 而研究所畢業後,很幸運得找到了一間很不錯的外商, 所以我打算工作兩年後出國念mba,因為我之前看了板上的文章, 說當兵有算進去工作經驗,而我當兵的時候是當預官, 而我打算在這一間外商工作兩年後出國念書, 這樣對於我的規劃會有甚麼問題嗎?? 因為我很擔心我大學的gpa不夠高,而我研究所有發表過paper可以彌補嗎?? 我覺得要念就要念不錯的mba,不然其實有點浪費時間跟浪費金錢, 我想利用兩年的時間一邊準備AT跟toefl,順便想一想我的essay要怎麼寫, 希望板上的各位可以給我一點意見,讓我知道我要如何彌補我的gpa。 這樣算一算我的工作經驗有五年多,這樣申請的話可以把gpa的因素降到最低嗎?? 謝謝大家,也希望大家可以給我多一點意見。
會成為很典型的倒果為因 why mba? so far you don't have any motivation but a degree.
need to find why you need this training,
what part do you need,
and how do you want to leverage that after this degree.
what's your short-term and long-term goals,
where's your passion,
why you need this degree to fulfill your passion?
工作經驗與paper 都可以彌補GPA,
or you can have an explanation during your master study.
2008年2月12日 星期二
[Career Explorer]Please Gui de :Supply chain mgmt MBA
Hi ,I have got admission in 2 B schools.I wanted to MBA in Supply Chain management.But yesterday i was searching in google Supply chain jobs in USA i could se only Truck transporation and very local (non reputed ) companies in my search results.Now i have two doubts:One is if i do Supply chain MBA what type of profile i will get after grad. I wanted to be in strategic consulting in Supply chain domain. I have 3 years expeience in IT Consulting.What are he companies which take supply chain grads.Second is the type of comanies i cud see in my google i was confused if such coimpanies do sponsor the H1B job for international students . In other words, leaving finance and IT does the US copmanies sponsor fo r H1B for SCM doamin?Thanks
A:Supply chain has very broad application in real-world operations. Sourcing, procurement, logistics, transportations, lean productions, inventory management, assembly line...etc., you name it.
Basically from the manufacturing line til market, everything from outside the factory are related to supply chain. Automobile industry is a typical field to go. Also manufacturing industries. IT industry need it too.
You can go IT industry to consult them the efficiency inhancement on supply chain management.
For the H1B issue, it really depends on what specific skills or advantages over American MBAs you've got and what specific position and functionality the recruitor needs from you.
You may have some cultural or language advantage to help your future company grow. The American companies are more likely send you back to your country, while you can try the companies from your country but now based in the U.S. might be easier.
[Program Fitting]How good are these schools?
Hi,i am an international college senior looking to do an mba straight out of college.Ive applied to many schools but its my backups that i want some feedback on:How do you think the university of alabama (manderson), the university of missouri-columbia (Crosby MBA) and Claremont Graduate University (Drucker) fare as a decent place to get an mba and expect a job after graduation?i dont care that much about regions, would be happy to stay within the region, just want to know how good are these programs to actually pursue them............(given i expect to receive great financial aid offers)i know they are great regional programs......just wanted everyone's opinions of them.....Thanks.Gus
No big difference among these 3 schools for your future job
no matter what fin aid they offer you
and generally speaking, MBA are more effective for 3+ yr work experience pro-managers
students with more solid experience can extract more from the MBA learning
and you can also contribute more in your classes
with several experience can significantly help you apply for more competitive schools
[Personal Branding]Georgetown MBA (McDonough) in person interview
大概問題如下, 不按次序:
Why MBA Why Georgetown Short-term/ Long-Term goals (這題我是包含在我Why MBA + Why Georgetown裡回答, 然後她再問一些她比較想知道的)
Your contribution to the class
Negative leadership experience
Which activities do you like (因為某題答了backpacking travel, 我就多答了reading, 她有問我最近念完那一本書, 我...開始free的回答了@_@") 再來就是問問題時間, 但我只夠問兩個問題...
樓主被問到一題相當關鍵 Negative leadership experience
這題的重要性將比positive leadership還要高出好幾倍
有強勁領導慾望卻又有過negative leadership將會像困獸一般
Leadership is love
2008年2月11日 星期一
[Career Explorer]什麼人適合去美國讀MBA (v)
只有一步步體驗,瞭解自己的生涯熱情與需求,結合MBA的各項細部課程,如:行銷, 財務, 生產管理, 供應鏈, 領導學, 組織行為學......等。