quote from BW:
having a really difficult time understanding how these selections are made and in particular the emphasis on age. If you are 27+ and have great “real world” accomplishments, we do not want you in our student body because it is presumed you clearly do not need an MBA to be successful. If you are young, we like you because we can still mold you into something great, even though your accomplishments are working later hours and getting“A’s” on your Calculus exam.
How is this really selecting the most likely success stories? What kind of contribution and input are they really bringing into the classroom if they are fresh out of school or have 2 yrs of experience in the classroom?
Bottom line is that MBA schools are one big business. If you believe that, (and you are in denial if you don’t), then how is this helping you
secure big endowment checks from your alumni in the future: Go with the already successful 27yr old + or take a gamble on rising stars?.
At the end of the day, does the 2-3yr age gap make a difference in the big picture? We both have 40-50yrs to live!"
as you look into HBS's curriculum
it's easy to tell their 2 forks are heading toward more entrepreneurial and more leadership in organizational restructuring
especially for conglomerate
and due to their academic role on the extreme end
they're looking for some explosive signs indicating leadfrog career
something significant on historical standpoint that nobody had done before
either extremely rare or extremely fast
although LZ is the youngest project manager in the industry
at the age of 30 they're looking for signs on more strategic on corporate scope
or some indication about early executive mindset
since their college drop-out is the richest guy in the world for 1.5 decade
and not even 50 yet
for a globally dominant school like HBS
nothing is too successful to be educated from them
it's about your mentality to do something as worldwide leader
with an extremely steep learning curve
see the successful HBS essays
you'll literally find many people at the age of 30 had already approached regional-director level
or done something revolutionary at their mid-20s
the intensity should be game-changing
not only a youngest something that many people had done even faster before