2008年2月20日 星期三

[Career Explorer]帮老公求助。37歲CFO 500強要念美國MBA還是中歐?



1. 去美国读好的BSCHOOL的MBA意义大吗?
2. 难度大吗(如果GMAT大概就670左右)?
3. 中欧是否可以选择下?OR 欧洲?


37 is still a decent age for full-time U.S. MBA.
no particular physical struggle if you see the MBA age profile, almost 10% U.S. MBA students are in your age. The MBA studying is even tougher than GMAT preparation, and it's 2-long years.
GMAT capacity depends on personal intelligence and learning efficiency. A bunch of materials on this website for GMAT takers.
If your husband is already a CFO in a Fortune 500 company, why he still needs an MBA?
It depends on what's next for his career.
The only thing in his career should be to even broaden his global capacity, then a U.S. MBA should be more helpful, in terms of a more global economy, international language fluency, global scope of finance expertise, and a more competitive business training.
CEIBS is the best MBA program in China, so if you want to stay in the regional market, it's absolutely the choice. But it still depends on how competitive is his scores and application package.
EMBA is for senior executives with more than 10 years enterprise administration experience. So far your husband is frankly too young for that.
