2008年2月12日 星期二

[Career Explorer]Please Gui de :Supply chain mgmt MBA



Hi ,I have got admission in 2 B schools.I wanted to MBA in Supply Chain management.But yesterday i was searching in google Supply chain jobs in USA i could se only Truck transporation and very local (non reputed ) companies in my search results.Now i have two doubts:One is if i do Supply chain MBA what type of profile i will get after grad. I wanted to be in strategic consulting in Supply chain domain. I have 3 years expeience in IT Consulting.What are he companies which take supply chain grads.Second is the type of comanies i cud see in my google i was confused if such coimpanies do sponsor the H1B job for international students . In other words, leaving finance and IT does the US copmanies sponsor fo r H1B for SCM doamin?Thanks

Supply chain has very broad application in real-world operations. Sourcing, procurement, logistics, transportations, lean productions, inventory management, assembly line...etc., you name it.
Basically from the manufacturing line til market, everything from outside the factory are related to supply chain. Automobile industry is a typical field to go. Also manufacturing industries. IT industry need it too.
You can go IT industry to consult them the efficiency inhancement on supply chain management.
For the H1B issue, it really depends on what specific skills or advantages over American MBAs you've got and what specific position and functionality the recruitor needs from you.
You may have some cultural or language advantage to help your future company grow. The American companies are more likely send you back to your country, while you can try the companies from your country but now based in the U.S. might be easier.

[Program Fitting]How good are these schools?

Hi,i am an international college senior looking to do an mba straight out of college.Ive applied to many schools but its my backups that i want some feedback on:How do you think the university of alabama (manderson), the university of missouri-columbia (Crosby MBA) and Claremont Graduate University (Drucker) fare as a decent place to get an mba and expect a job after graduation?i dont care that much about regions, would be happy to stay within the region, just want to know how good are these programs to actually pursue them............(given i expect to receive great financial aid offers)i know they are great regional programs......just wanted everyone's opinions of them.....Thanks.Gus

No big difference among these 3 schools for your future job
no matter what fin aid they offer you
and generally speaking, MBA are more effective for 3+ yr work experience pro-managers
students with more solid experience can extract more from the MBA learning
and you can also contribute more in your classes
with several experience can significantly help you apply for more competitive schools

[Personal Branding]Georgetown MBA (McDonough) in person interview

大概問題如下, 不按次序:
Why MBA Why Georgetown Short-term/ Long-Term goals (這題我是包含在我Why MBA + Why Georgetown裡回答, 然後她再問一些她比較想知道的)
Your contribution to the class
Negative leadership experience
Which activities do you like (因為某題答了backpacking travel, 我就多答了reading, 她有問我最近念完那一本書, 我...開始free的回答了@_@") 再來就是問問題時間, 但我只夠問兩個問題...

樓主被問到一題相當關鍵 Negative leadership experience
這題的重要性將比positive leadership還要高出好幾倍
有強勁領導慾望卻又有過negative leadership將會像困獸一般
Leadership is love