2008年5月1日 星期四

[Career Explorer]也许是可笑的选择望指正


以下是引用longbright在2008-5-1 20:45:00的发言:
本人立志从法律行业转行,想去更广阔的职业选择。Why MBA的问题已经考虑清楚,现在疑惑的是摆在面前的职业去向。外资律所工作虽然单调,天天跟文件合同打交道,但收入还不错,三年下来我这土鳖业能有40多万的年收入,但怎奈不想成为办公室的笼中人。

All due respect
so why MBA?
so far no clear motivation about business career switch
and no intrinsic drivers on your 3 career elements: passion, personality, or professional capabilities
no matter how impressive is your background, or what access can you get on your letters of recommendation
your career switch has no clear direction yet
and no "irreplaceablility" about why switch to business
simply put, your "MBA motivation" is not sustainable yet
then you won't have "why top 5" either
