2008年3月27日 星期四

[Career Explorer]无工作经验读全奖的mba还是有意义的?

只是想个各位CDer们讨论一下,自己已经拿到了好几家mba的TA。学校排名不高60-100名之间,自己还要补1万刀的其他花费吧。位置在美国中部,南部。大家对无工作经验读后的前景都不太看好,我还是会去读的。我感觉美国既然是一个melting pot,只要有心是会融入这个社会的。我去后打算去在学习上读双学位或者读cpa,工作上intern尽量弥补一下自己的短板,多收集信息,争取工作。

most of time it's in reverse
the more experience, the more competitive you are
then the top schools will consider your package more solid
mba is not a teaching process, it's a refining process
it refines your experience to a more advanced level
the more experience you have, the refining can be more thorough
if you don't have experience at all
it's just like brewing an empty container
you may probably get very little crystal

the average salary is for graduates who already have 5 years experience before
and most of them are American
it might not reflect what you'll earn if don't have similar experience level
it's really hard to even get a job as a foreigner now
even in top 20
